Tu Salud News Update
Peer-Led Program Improves Mental Health in New Latina Mothers
Most participants reported high satisfaction with the Alma Program and experienced decreases in depression, anxiety and stress.
Can Aspirin Improve Colorectal Cancer Outcomes?
One study found that daily low-dose aspirin reduced the risk of colon or rectal cancer recurrence, but another saw no significant survival benefit.
Building a Better Flu Vaccine
A vaccine made by connecting antigens from different flu strains together elicited a more broadly protective immune response than a conventional flu vaccine.
What a U.S. Exit From the World Health Organization Means for Global Health
America’s step back may curtail efforts to provide lifesaving health care and combat deadly outbreaks.
Healthy Recipe: Citrus Salad With Ginger Syrup
This salad celebrates the many seasonal varieties of citrus.
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