Jon Gordon Companies
Next Wednesday (November 17th) we're hosting our 2nd Annual LEAD POSITIVE CONFERENCE. It's a free, one-day event featuring 12 amazing speakers equipping you with proven principles and strategies to overcome challenges and create positive results.

I'll be sharing How to Build Mental Toughness and Resilience as a Leader and Team.

Other topics that some of our speakers will cover include:

  • The 4 C's to Build a Winning Team
  • How Leaders Create Positive Change
  • The Power of Belief to Inspire Your Team to Greatness
  • And More...

If you haven't signed up yet, you can for free now at

You can join us for the entire day or pop in and out as your schedule allows. Each speaker session is 10-20 minutes in length. VIP replay option available as well.
Here's what a few attendees from last year had to say...
Lead Positive Testimonials
Sign up now for Free Online Access at

Share this email and invite a friend / colleague to join in too!


If you can't join us during the entire conference online, there is an upgrade replay option.

While the core conference is FREE, we offer a VIP upgrade option that includes:
  • LIVE 1-hour Q&A Session with Jon and Several of Our Speakers
  • "Green Room" Access with several Speakers and Our Team
  • Replay Access to ALL Conference Sessions for One Year

VIP upgrade option shared at sign up.

Hope to see you on Wednesday, November 17th online.
