MacMost Newsletter
The MacMost Newsletter: Issue 816
August 22, 2024
While it seems like the Menu Bar is built to be controlled with your mouse or trackpad, you can actually get to everything in the Menu Bar using only your keyboard. In fact, there are several ways to do control the Menu Bar with your keyboard.
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If you like to organize your photos in the Photos app with albums, it can be useful to see which ones are not yet in an album. You can do this with a Smart Album.
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Don't let yourself get frustrated by changes to your devices or apps. Learn to embrace change and look at it as an opportunity to learn new things and explore.
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While many apps have the option to export as a PDF file, you can actually do it with any app at all as long as there is an option to Print.
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Reader View is a great way to read large amounts of text on a web page. Get rid of distractions like ads, navigation and sidebars, and read with larger text on a plain background. You can also use Reader View for nicer printouts, PDFs and text features.
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You can easily create circular text or text along any freeform curve in Pixelmator Pro on your Mac. You can export this as an image to use in Pages, Keynote, iMovie, etc.
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I'm often asked about the software and gadgets I use to produce the MacMost videos and in my work as a developer. So I've compiled a list of the products I use and recommend. Check it out. -- Gary
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