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Tuesday December 4 2018
MEP and fit out firm Plafond appoints new CEO
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Whirlpool Corporation showcases solar-powered green home at Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018
Majid Al Futtaim recognises its mall tenants with environmental awards
TSCC showcases advanced building systems at the Big 5
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MEP and fit out firm Plafond appoints new CEO
Majid Al Futtaim recognises its mall tenants with environmental awards
Whirlpool Corporation showcases solar-powered green home at Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018
In Pictures: The Big 5 2018
UL hosts lighting safety and efficiency workshop in Egypt
In Pictures: The Big 5 2018
Here are a few images of the Big 5 show 2018.
Rajiv Ravindran Pillai
Editor, MEP Middle East
Direct: +971 4 444 3262
Email: rajiv.pillai@itp.com
Tom Martin
Sales Manager, MEP Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3465
Direct: +971 55 707 4830
Email: tom.martin@itp.com
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