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Monday, October 16, 2017
Top Stories

MEP Awards 2017: Gearing up for celebrations!

With the finalisation of the shortlist, the only thing that remains is the celebrations of the 11th edition of the MEP Middle East Awards

KEO wins major infrastructure contract for Dubai Maritime City

KEO International Consultants has been selected to provide master planning and infrastructure consultancy services for the Dubai Maritime City (DMC)

Grundfos organises retrofit pumps event in Dubai

Pump manufacturer, Grundfos, organised an event, where its experts gave presentations on how one can save 30%-60% in your pumps’ energy bill

UAE FTA opens online registration for VAT

The UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has announced that online registration for Value Added Tax (VAT) is now open, through its website

DM campaign on improving ventilation in 643 food outlets

Dubai Municipality has carried out a campaign to improve the ventilation in 643 food outlets in the emirate

Features & Interviews

Blue Star international to enter UAE MEP market

Dawood Bin Ozair, chief executive officer, Blue Star International, reveals his company plans on entering the UAE MEP market by the end of 2017

Face to face: Frank Ackland, Eaton Middle East

Frank Ackland, general manager at Eaton Middle East, reveals the outlook for the power sector in the ME region

Face to face: Jayant Balan, Voltas

Mixing caution with ambition has helped Voltas maintain a steady growth says Jayant Balan, senior VP and director of international operations business group at Voltas Limited


Collaborative approach to MEP using BIM

Collaboration with BIM will enhance communication and trust among stakeholders

Healthcare MEP needs better design and coordination

The design and coordination of healthcare buildings is by its very nature challenging, JPW's managing director, Gary Walton, says

Operation & maintenance of electrical, electronic & mechanical services of education Rustaq


In Pictures: Grundfos retrofit event, Dubai
Video: Eurovent's first HVACR workshop
Video: Voltas showcases projects and its growing GCC footprint
In Pictures: Top 5 MEP Contractors in 2017

Special Reports

Expert: It is imperative that all MEP systems are smart
MEP still needs to get connected, say experts
The MEP sector has a long way to go in using smart data
Expert: When buildings are smart, cities automatically get smarter
Case study: How to engineer smart cities

magazine cover image COVER STORY
Face to face: Jayant Balan, Voltas
Riad Raad
Advertising Director, B2B Digital
+971 4 444 3319
+971 50 702 2970
Rajiv Ravindran Pillai
Editor, MEP Middle East
+971 4 444 3262
+971 55 635 3588
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