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Monday, September 11, 2017
Top Stories

MEP Awards 2017: Nominations deadline draws near

The deadline for submitting nominations for MEP Awards 2017 is fast approaching

Drake & Scull International's chairman resigns

Majid Saif Al Ghurair has resigned from his position as chairman of the board of directors at Drake & Scull International

Expert: MEP critical to IoT design in buildings

Aecom Middle East's Georges Basmaji outlines how Internet of Things (IoT) systems can be linked with MEP to improve building functionality

Dubai-based Duplays to build soccer complexes in Saudi Arabia

Dubai-based Duplays will construct the first in a series of privately owned football sports complexes in Jeddah

EmiratesGBC to kick off Urban Energy conference

Emirates Green Building Council (EmiratesGBC) is organising its sixth Annual EmiratesGBC Congress in Dubai on 17 and 18 October, 2017, to discuss strategies for promoting sustainable built environments

Features & Interviews

Site visit: Exploring Orbi Dubai's MEP systems

Imteeaz Goolamhossen, engineering manager, and Christian Mendoza, electrical engineer, at Bluehaus Engineering, share details on the MEP works implemented at Orbi Dubai

Top 25 MEP contractors of 2017

It’s that time of the year where MEP Middle East compiles its list of Top 25 MEP Contractors


How does retrofitting make buildings more sustainable?

A well-planned retrofit approach can make a building’s performance more efficient and sustainable

Is tariff the major issue in accepting district cooling?

Since its introduction in the GCC in the late 90s, district cooling has come a long way

Maintenance and replacement of lighting poles in Sabt Al Jara and its centers
Bathrooms in Sabt Al Jara and its centers


Video: Future Metro and CGGC sign alliance agreement
In Pictures: The judges for MEP Middle East Awards 2017
In Pictures: Panel discussions at the MEP UAE Conference 2017 in Dubai
Video: Blue Star International to enter the UAE MEP market

Special Reports

Special Report: Midea’s energy-efficient touch
Special Report: Market ripe for energy-efficient HVAC tech
Special Report: Energy-efficiency not a passing fad
Special Report: The perils of black market refrigerants
Special Report – Mandating BIM
magazine cover image COVER STORY
Top 25 MEP contractors of 2017
Riad Raad
Advertising Director, B2B Digital
+971 4 444 3319
+971 50 702 2970
Rajiv Ravindran Pillai
Editor, MEP Middle East
+971 4 444 3262
+971 55 635 3588
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