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Sunday November 3 2019
MEP Middle East Awards: In the pursuit of excellence
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HH Dr Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi inaugurates facility at American University of Sharjah
Emirates Link Maltauro and Implement Engineering Consultants take on eye hospital project
Oman’s Majis and Toshiba confirm $8.4million project agreements
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Manufacturing tops major activities that make up Abu Dhabi's non-oil related industries
Performance attributed to high growth rates of major activities, comprising non-metallic mineral products and basic pharmaceutical products.
Saudi places focus on enhancing role of local firms in manufacturing of smart electric metres
Accord precedes an extensive smart metres project designed to promote more efficient energy consumption in the country.
Minister of State says Emirati women have made strides in STEM fields
Her Excellency pointed to the Emirates Mars Mission as an example of the country’s progressive stance.
Work begins on Light of China pavilion at Expo 2020
China to highlight advances in science and technology and Belt and Road initiative.
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority scoops ‘Innovation in New Collaboration Challenge’ award
DEWA is the first organisation to participate in the award from the Middle East and the first to win the award globally.
International Desalination Association honours HE Saeed Al Tayer
Technical programme was held to explore all aspects of advanced water treatment technologies, practices, and experiences.
Tom Oxtoby
Editor, MEP Middle East
Direct: +971 4 444 3419
Email: tom.oxtoby@itp.com
Tom Martin
Sales Manager, MEP Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3465
Direct: +971 55 707 4830
Email: tom.martin@itp.com
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