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Thursday November 7 2019
MEP Middle East Awards: A night to remember
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MEP Middle East Awards 2019: Shortlist unveiled
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MEP Middle East Awards: Electrical Engineer of the Year - Bushra Anwar, Cundall
Anwar is a fully qualified electrical engineer with 19 years of experience in the construction industry.
MEP Middle East Awards: Electrical Project of the Year - The Founder’s Memorial Abu Dhabi, Semco
The unmistakable tribute commemorates the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
MEP Middle East Awards: GCC Project of the Year - Qasr Al Hosn, Voltas
Qasr Al Hosn stands as the nation’s living memorial and narrator of Abu Dhabi’s history.
MEP Middle East Awards: Health & Safety Initiative of the Year - Voltas
The Tata-backed firm took direct messages about the importance of each worker’s most prized ‘tools’ for the campaign.
MEP Middle East Awards: Mechanical Engineer of the Year - Stephen Page, Atkins
Throughout he has overcome distinctive engineering challenges posed by demanding client and tight deadlines.
MEP Middle East Awards: Mechanical Project of the Year - Hindu Temple, Ramboll
The design benefited from energy-efficient systems with energy and enthalpy recovery, careful selection and discreet placement of plant and distribution equipment.
Tom Oxtoby
Editor, MEP Middle East
Direct: +971 4 444 3419
Email: tom.oxtoby@itp.com
Tom Martin
Sales Manager, MEP Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3465
Direct: +971 55 707 4830
Email: tom.martin@itp.com
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