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Wednesday September 11 2019
Mercedes-benz enters into sustainability partnership with China-based battery manufacturer Farasis Energy
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BKT to launch radial tyre for agricultural trailers, at Agritechnica 2019
Three60 Communities introduce Circ e-scooters to Abu Dhabi communities
Himoinsa opens sales office in Morocco
CM Labs launches mobile crane simulator training pack
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Alstom subcontracts Expo 2020 metro work to Thales
Middle East automotive aftermarket estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% over the next six years, according to TechSci Research
Do not attach banners to scissor lifts, warns IPAF
UD Quester: a construction truck to get the job done
Komatsu expands drone analytics solutions for construction sites
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Automobili Pininfarina, Bosch and Benteler to jointly develop a high-performance electric vehicle platform
Video: TVH aims to be the Amazon for material handling equipment parts
Dennis Daniel
Editor, PMV Middle East
Tel: +971 4 444 3615
Tel: +971 52 969 9869
E: dennis.daniel@itp.com
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Anup Nagpurkar
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E: anup.nagpurkar@itp.com
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