
BREAKING: Last night the Wall Street Journal reported that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is moving toward approving Charter’s $90 billion takeover of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks.1

He still needs to put the deal to a vote — which means there’s time to influence the outcome IF you act fast.

Call the FCC Now: Tell Wheeler and the other commissioners to block this disastrous deal.

If this merger goes through, it’s bad news for everybody. Charter is taking on massive debt to make this merger happen. It would cost the average Charter customer $1,142 just to pay down the new debt.2

This means higher prices for everyone: Charter’s expanded power would lead to huge price hikes on top of already steep rates — squeezing captive customers and forcing many offline. That’s the only way the cable giant can pay for this deal: by charging everyone more. A lot more. And these price increases would hit people in low-income communities and low-income people of color the hardest.

Wheeler thinks you should foot the bill for this deal while Charter gets even richer and Time Warner Cable execs walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars in payoffs.

Tell Wheeler you can’t pay more — he needs to stop the Charter disaster.

We need an FCC that will protect the public interest — not an agency that will greenlight competition-killing mergers like this one.

Mary Alice, Candace, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. Call Wheeler today and tell him to stop the Charter-Time Warner Cable merger.

1. “FCC Drafting Order to Approve Charter-Time Warner Cable Deal,” Wall Street Journal, March 15, 2016:

2. “Free Press Petition to Deny the Charter-Time Warner Cable Merger,” Oct. 13, 2015:

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