Dear Clients, Partners, and Subscribers,


Thank you for being part of the Dezan Shira & Associates,

and Asia Briefing family and communities.


We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


We hope the New Year brings peace, joy, and abundant success to you,

your family, and your colleagues in the 2023 year ahead.




~ Your teams at Dezan Shira & Associates and Asia Briefing ~





Gift of a Free Technical Guide


In celebration of the holiday season, we would like to gift you

a free download of one of our paid guides till January 1, 2023.


You can use this yourself and share it with a colleague or friend!


Simply click below, select a guide, and use the coupon code at checkout:






Our select 5 technical guides are in-depth handbooks

that cover country-specific Tax, Accounting & Audit, and HR & Payroll environments for China, Vietnam, and India.


This offer ends on January 1, 2023.




Please contact us if you have any questions.


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