Merry Christmas and happy holidys from the ThatDailyDeal team! While we know this season is about so much more than stuff, we truly appreciate you supporting our small business with your shopping needs. Every time you make the decision to support us instead of.... well amazon etc, you are directly supporting a great group of unique, wacky people based in TN. You are also making it possible for us to provide for local causes that make a major impact in our community. So, THANK YOU!
There won't be any "deals" today or tomorrow as we all celebrate, but we do have a free item live for you. Yup, like free free. Use code MERRY2021, then might as well tell your friends and family so they can grab it free too. Grab yours before they're gone! Once again, THANK YOU! - Merry Christmas, happy holidays and God bless! Until next time... ThatDailyDeal