In this issue, March 21, 2023 View it in your browser.

Meta AI’s LLM, Kwok, Ambient Mesh, AKS Edge Essentials, AWS Application Composer, Server-Side Swift, Quarkus 3, ASP.NET Core 8, Apple Analytics, Dapr v1.10, OSS & Staff+

QCon New York (June 13-25): Tracks announced. Save before Mar 29.

Level-up on essential topics, including Architectural Blueprints Of Real World Machine Learning Systems, MLOps, Next-Gen Fintech: Performance, Complexity & Privacy, Optimising Teams for Fast Flow, Connecting Distributed Systems: APIs done right, Next in Cloud Native Development, and more!

Attend in-person or online. Secure your spot by Mar 29 to save $780 off the full-price in-person ticket. Register now!

Backstage With the QCon London 2023 Programming Committee

What makes QCon software conferences stand out from other events? The top reason has to be the content, which focuses on innovator and early adopter trends, and presenters who are expert practitioners, sharing their real-world stories. (Podcast)

Becoming a Great Engineering Manager and Balancing Synchronous and Asynchronous Work

Shane Hastie spoke to James Stanier about what makes a great engineering manager, nurturing culture with 14000 remote workers and deliberately balancing synchronous and asynchronous work. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google AI Updates Universal Speech Model to Scale Automatic Speech Recognition beyond 100 Languages

  2. Microsoft Open-Sources Weather Forecasting Deep Learning Model ClimaX

  3. Zero-Copy In-Memory Sharing of Large Distributed Data: V6d

Meta AI’s Large Language Model with 10x Fewer Parameters

Meta AI recently released a new large language model called Language Large Models Meta AI (LLaMA) that outperforms foundational models such as GPT-3 and is competitive with PaLM, despite having 10 times fewer parameters. LLaMA has better performance in language tasks such as natural questions, common-sense reasoning and mathematical reasoning. (News)


  1. Kwok, a Tool to Spin up Kubernetes Nodes in a Second

  2. Passwordless Cloud Deployments with GitHub Actions

  3. Microsoft Brings Kubernetes to the Edge with AKS Edge Essentials

The Future of Istio: Sidecar-Less and Sidecar with Ambient Mesh

Istio's new ambient mesh allows for a sidecar-less data plane. This article discusses the advantages of that approach and the work that went into making it a reality. (Article)

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Kubernetes Cheat Sheet | D2iQ

Kubernetes adoption requires a lot of moving parts. In this cheatsheet, D2iQ Kubernetes experts walk you through what you need to know to achieve a push-button, self-healing Kubernetes deployment. Download yours today.


  1. AWS Introduces Global Condition Context Keys to Improve EC2 Security

  2. Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Adds Write-Through Cache to Improve Logical Replication Performance

  3. AWS Application Composer to Visualize and Create Serverless Workloads Now Generally Available

  4. ChatGPT Now Available in Preview on Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service

The Great Lambda Migration to Kubernetes Jobs—A Journey in Three Parts

In this article, I’d like to share our journey at Firefly on a great migration from serverless to Kubernetes jobs, lessons learned, and the technologies that helped us do so with minimal pain. (Article)

Server-Side Swift Gets Swift Certificates and Swift ASN.1 Packages

The Swift team has just released two new server-side packages that aim to provide developers with a faster and safer implementation of X.509 certificates, including their underlying ASN.1 DER encoding/decoding mechanism. (News)


  1. Road to Quarkus 3: Improved Dev UI, Steps towards Diataxis Documentation and Performance Bumps

  2. Java News Roundup: Sequenced Collections for JDK 21, Vector API for JDK 20, Gen ZGC, Hilla 2.0

  3. Java's Collections Framework Gets a Makeover with New Sequenced Collection Types

Understanding Java Through Graphs

Chris Seaton discusses Java’s compiler intermediate representation, to understand at a deeper level how Java reasons about a program when optimizing it. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.


  1. JetBrains Releases Rider 2023.1 EAP 6 with Improvements in UI and Debugging Experience

ASP.NET Core 8 Preview 2: QuickGrid and Enhanced Blazor WebAssembly Performance

.NET 8 Preview 2 brings several enhancements to the ASP.NET Core. The highlights of the release are the Blazor QuickGrid component, which promises to simplify data presentation and manipulation, and improved performance for Blazor WebAssembly through the use of the new runtime feature called jiterpreter. (News)

Announcing TypeScript 5.0 Beta

Microsoft has released the TypeScript 5.0 beta version, which aims to simplify, speed up and reduce the size of TypeScript. The beta release incorporates new decorators standards that enable users to customize classes and their members in a reusable manner. It also allows developers to write cleaner and more maintainable code. (News)

Apple Brings Comparative Group Analytics to App Store Connect

Peer group benchmarks is a new App Store Connect feature aimed to help developers track the performance of their apps relative to other similar apps. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) v1.10 Released

  2. LinkedIn Improves Development Productivity by 10x by Implementing a Messaging Client-Side SDK

Contract-Driven Development – a Real-World Adoption Journey

Contract-driven development adoption is not just about tooling or practices, it involves changing how people work with each other and in order to influence such changes, the roadmap for adoption should account for the learning curve and demonstrate value incrementally at each stage to individual team members and the organization as a whole. (Article)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Programming Foundations for Test Automation

Technology's Carbon Impact and What You Can Do about It

Achieving a balance between growth and efficiency can be a formidable task. However, software engineers can play a critical role at the nexus of both. This article discusses open source software tools and methodologies for balancing carbon with growth across IT organizations, and provides actionable approaches to greening IT organizations. (Article)

How Open-Source Engagement Can Accelerate & Solidify Your Staff+ Career

Alex Porcelli discusses how open-source contributions and long-term community engagement help building and sharpening skills needed in a staff+ career. (Presentation with transcript included)

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