"Strong social support is one of the keys to happiness and good health. Making an effort to improve relationships with people already in your life is one way to increase your social support." — Jeanne Graner Krochta, M.S., L.P. |
| Weight Loss | What exactly is metabolism? | Metabolism is defined as the bodily processes needed to maintain life. But when you hear the word "metabolism" used today, it's usually in reference to weight issues. It's likely you have heard someone say, "I can't lose weight because I have a slow metabolism." While there's some truth to this, other factors — such as how much you eat and exercise — play a much bigger role in your weight than your metabolism does. | Discover more truths about metabolism » |
Today's Health Tip 5 steps to mindful eating Eat less and enjoy food more with these mindful-eating tips: 1. Sit at the table without distractions. 2. Be aware of the bright colors and fresh smells of the food on your plate. 3. Slowly savor your food by noticing the aromas, textures and tastes of every bite. 4. Put down your fork periodically. 5. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, but before you feel full. | |
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