Law enforcement will likely find it much harder to take down criminal activities on the "deepverse."
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 April 27, 2023
Metaverse Version of the Dark Web Could Be Nearly Impenetrable
Law enforcement will likely find it much harder to take down criminal activities on the "deepverse."
Linux Shift: Chinese APT Alloy Taurus Is Back With Retooling
An old threat actor is making its comeback, sending around its old malware with a new tint.
Malware-Free Cyberattacks Are on the Rise; Here's How to Detect Them
Last year, 71% of enterprise breaches were pulled off quietly, with legitimate tools, research shows.
High-Severity SLP Flaw Can Amplify DDoS Attacks up to 2,200 Times
More than 2,000 global organizations — including Fortune 1,000 companies — are at risk to reflective DDoS attacks that exploit a vulnerability discovered in the legacy Internet protocol.
Google 2FA Syncing Feature Could Put Your Privacy at Risk
Researchers find that the encryption of a user's 2FA secrets are stripped after transportation to the cloud.
Effects of the Hive Ransomware Group Takedown
Despite some success in limiting damage from Hive, there's no time to relax security vigilance.
(Sponsored Article) It Takes AI Security to Fight AI Cyberattacks
New threats from generative AI demand a generative AI security response.
CISOs Rethink Data Security With Info-Centric Framework
The Data Security Maturity Model ditches application, network, and device silos when it comes to architecting a data security strategy.

AI Experts: Account for AI/ML Resilience & Risk While There's Still Time
CISOs and cybersecurity teams will play a key role in hardening artificial intelligence and machine learning systems.

Building a Better SBOM
Generating an SBOM is easy. It's generating one that's comprehensive and accurate that's hard.

'Good' AI Is the Only Path to True Zero-Trust Architecture
Ultimately, AI will protect the enterprise, but it's up to the cybersecurity community to protect "good" AI in order to get there, RSA's Rohit Ghai says.

When Banking Laws Don't Protect Consumers From Cybertheft
If attackers use your stolen login information or set up wire transfers, you might be out of luck.

How Zero Trust Can Protect Systems Against Generative AI Agents
Researchers explore a love-hate relationship with AI tools like ChatGPT, which can be used to both attack and defend more efficiently.
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