Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

Bitcoin is looking strong lately — and we'll show up strong with the daily signal. 
📝 Today's Rundown
  • 💸 Methane For Bitcoin: Exposure to the oil and gas industry lead one miner to see the potential for waste reduction while participating in the bitcoin mining industry.
  • 💻 Self Custody: Two Bitcoiners explain their custody journey and invite others to reflect upon their own steps to claiming their sovereignty.
  •  Hyperbitcoinization: The projects on the ground of El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption show how the citizens of the country seek financial education.


Making Methane Reduction Profitable: The Story Of DenverBitcoin
By Robert Warren

It is reported that approximately one billion cubic feet of natural gas is vented or flared daily. However, it is not possible for oil and gas companies to accurately measure the exact amount of vented or flared gas they generate — they have to estimate. These companies are required to report on that to determine if they are going to get fined or not, so, naturally, they estimate low.

Natural gas is one of the most wasted sources of energy in the whole world and that represents a great opportunity for anyone looking for cheap power sources.

The author of this article tell the story of Adam Ortolf (AKA @DenverBitcoin), an accountant and manager at an oil and gas company and former Bitcoin skeptic that, after trying to unmask the Bitcoin fraud by studying the mining industry, realized that Bitcoin is actually the best form of money humans have ever discovered and how it can also revolutionize the energy sector.

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The All-Important Journey To Self-Custody
By Mark Maraia And Casey Carrillo

Let's face it — for the vast majority of people, becoming fully responsible for safely storing their own bitcoin is a very difficult step to take. 

For those who might not be used to going further than posting on social media when using a smartphone or a computer, having to learn about private keys, derivation paths and even seed words can be a very complex and time consuming task. And even for those who decide to invest the time to learn about it, acknowledging that there is no one else responsible for our money but us can be overwhelming.

Nevertheless, claiming our monetary sovereignty is the most important duty of any true Bitcoiner. Bitcoin was designed specifically for that — to eliminate middlemen when it comes to money. One of the authors of this article, a self-proclaimed not-tech-savvy boomer, shares the story of his journey to self-custody bitcoin and explains how others can also become self-responsible for their own wealth. 

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1. In partnership with Binance, the luxury resort Palazzo Versace Dubai now accepts bitcoin for goods and services on-site and plans to launch online payments in the near future.

2. Fidelity, the pro-bitcoin financial giant is reportedly considering allowing its over 34 million individual investors to buy bitcoin through its online brokerage.

3. BitBlockBoom connects Bitcoiners and like-minded individuals, providing opportunities to enjoy each other’s presence and learn.

4. Traits inherent to Bitcoin create financial transparency — but with proper usage, Bitcoin users can retain the necessary privacy to preserve freedom.

5. Central Bank Digital Currencies are a dystopian implementation of money and will only benefit society by encouraging people to adopt bitcoin.

6. Bitcoin failed to hold $22,000 as declines in energy prices drove down U.S. CPI less than expected to 8.3% in August; all other sectors rose MoM.

7. A Russian news agency reported multiple government officials deliberating on accepting bitcoin and some crypto currencies as payment for international trade in 2023.

8. Fidelity, Citadel Securities and Charles Schwabare launching a bitcoin and crypto exchange to be settled on-chain with the liquidity backing of legacy finance.

9. Using the central bank’s fintech digital sandbox to trial bitcoin payment solutions, OpenNode will bring BTC payments to the island kingdom for the first time.

El Salvador: One Year Of Bitcoin And Counting
By Renata Rodrigues

El Salvador made history last year when the country adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. After a little more than a year since the approval of the Bitcoin law, El Salcador gave legitimacy to what many of us have known for a long time: Bitcoin is freedom money that can be used by the masses. 

There is a lot to be learned from the history of El Salvador and Bitcoin. First of all, education is key, and contrary to what is commonly believed, it is not that hard to introduce millions of people to Bitcoin usage. Some of the lessons that El Salvador’s bet on Bitcoin left us are:

  • Bitcoin is for everyone. Bitcoin has no bounds and it doesn’t discriminate.
  • Bitcoin can open doors. With the new law, the people of El Salvador could use Bitcoin to pay for goods and services, easily remit money with friends and relatives abroad and finally achieve financial freedom.
  • Bitcoin can help communities. In developing nations, Bitcoin has the power to bridge the financial gap and connect the unbanked to the global economy.
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By Bitcoin Magazine

Just as lightbulbs were the natural technological evolution after candles, so Bitcoin is the next technological advance improving on gold's sound monetary properties, divisibility and transportability.

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