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May 04, 2018

Michelle Obama Calls Herself the 'Forever First Lady' in Speech to High School Students

Michelle Obama forever First Lady

'Especially Hilarious': 'The Five' Reacts to Hillary Claiming Self-Identifying as Capitalist Lost Election

Security clearance attorney

Security Clearance Atty: 'Deep State' Weaponizing Vetting Process to Block Trump Appointees

Cavuto to Trump: 'How Can You Drain the Swamp If You Keep Muddying the Waters?'

Trump Cavuto

George Washington U. Students Petition to Get Rid of 'Offensive' Colonials Mascot

GOP Rep. Blasts Sarah Sanders, Calls for Hearings on Stormy Daniels Payment

Trump: Media Only Wants to Talk About Russia 'Witch Hunt,' Stormy Daniels 'Crap'

Trump on Mueller probe, Stormy

Shep: Why Did Giuliani Raise Prospect of Mueller Investigating Ivanka Trump?

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner led the charge to sink a draft executive order that would have overturned Obama-era enforcements of LGBT rights in the workplace, according to a Politico report.

Charlie Hurt: Changing Focus from 'Russia Collusion' to Stormy Daniels Like 'Going After Al Capone for Tax Evasion'

Charlie Hurt

Former Prosecutor: DOJ Must Require Mueller to Show Evidence of 'Serious Crime' to Interview Trump

Former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy

Former FBI Asst Director Rips 'Preposterous' Trump Team Raids: POTUS Faced 'Conspiracy' From the Beginning

James Kallstrom

Turley: Giuliani-Hannity Interview 'Caused Some Damage' for Trump

Jonathan Turley

Tucker on FBI Raid on Michael Cohen: 'Imagine If It Happened to You'

Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley is warning President Trump that the raid on his personal attorney Michael Cohen is a 'trap.'

Ben Shapiro Responds to Allegations He Incited Quebec Mosque Shooting

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro responded to allegations that he incited the Quebec mosque shooter.

'Take It to SCOTUS': Levin Says DOJ Precedent Shows 'Rogue' Mueller Cannot Indict Trump

Mark Levin

Blagojevich's Wife: Russia Probe Is 'Deja Vu All Over Again' With Mueller, Comey, Fitzgerald

Blagojevich Wife

Greg Gutfeld Introduces 'Bret Bear': Fair, Balanced & Unafraid to Snuggle

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