June 26, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Several readers asked about Dylan Jovine's "#1 Takeover Target for June" over the weekend, and June is fast coming to an end so I thought we ought to check it out... which micro-cap semiconductor stock does he think is going to be acquired next?  Just click below to...

If you were unfortunate enough to miss the three boom periods of years past, the next 3-6 months could right the course of your financial future as the experts are pointing to 2023-2024 being the next boom cycle for crypto. These events will be explored, as 20+ of the world's top Hedge Fund Managers will discuss crypto's hottest opportunities at The Crypto Hedge Fund Summit. There’s 3 major factors that are making this “accumulation year”, one of the biggest “All-In” opportunities at the forefront of smart-money investors’ plans. You cannot afford to sit on the sidelines in this market rebound. If you were waiting for the best opportunity to grow potentially life-changing wealth with cryptocurrency, then you must attend the Crypto Hedge Fund Summit.

Click here for free registration now.


Miss anything in the land of Gumshoe last week?  Let's catch you up...

We started with a look at Ray Blanco's "$16 Trillion Super Mine" in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

We also got some more pitches about a "nuclear miracle" that Kareem Rahemtulla says will "terrify China" -- sound a little familiar?  It is, but we  updated our story here for you.

Incidentally, we keep getting questions about Porter Stansberry's "secret energy grid" nuclear spiel, too -- that's a story we covered here last month.

Doc Gumshoe popped in with some June updates on Alzheimer's Disease, RSV and more.

And I closed things out with the Friday File for our Irregulars -- this time, musing mostly on the "God's Investment" pitch being circulated by Porter Stansberry this week, and that musing led me to make a couple buys in the Real Money Portfolio... story below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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