March 2018

Microservices Special Report

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In this special newsletter we bring you up to date on all the new content and news related to Microservices on InfoQ. We are also maintaining a portal page for this content on InfoQ at:
Is REST the New SOAP? (news, Feb 03, 2018)
restQL, a Microservices Query Language, Released on GitHub (news, Jan 11, 2018)
Architecting a Modern Financial Institution with Vitor Olivier, Thoughts on Immutability, CI/CD, FP (podcasts, Jan 12, 2018)
Designing Services for Resilience: Netflix Lessons (presentations, Jan 17, 2018)
Data Consistency in Microservice Using Sagas (presentations, Jan 31, 2018)

Microservices for Java Developers (By O'Reilly)

This eBook provides a hands-on approach to three useful Java frameworks for building microservices: Spring Boot, Dropwizard, and WildFly. Compare and contrast them through a handful of familiar patterns. Download now.

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Entity Services is an Antipattern (news, Dec 31, 2017)
Designing Event Sourced Microservices (news, Nov 12, 2017)
The InfoQ eMag: Microservices vs. Monoliths - The Reality Beyond the Hype (books, Jun 19, 2017)
Monitoring Microservices - A Prediction for 2018 (news, Nov 26, 2017)

Q&A on Istio, Microservices and Kubernetes with Lachie Evenson of Microsoft from Kubecon 2017

InfoQ caught up with Lachie Evenson, program manager at Microsoft, who delivered an introductory talk on the Istio platform at Kubecon. In addition to Istio, he talked about microservices, Kubernetes and how it's relevant to enterprise developers and architects.

Service-Oriented Development: Rafael Schloming Shares Lessons Learned with Building Microservice

At QCon San Francisco, Rafael Schloming presented “Service Oriented Development”, and argued that an organisation migrating to microservices must seek to break up their monolithic development processes in addition to attempting to break up the system architecture. Treating newly formed microservice teams as internal “spinoffs” provides boundaries and encourages self-sufficiency and autonomy.

Modern Java EE Design Patterns - an O’Reilly book

Download this report to explore best practices for automation, high availability, data separation, and performance while inspecting design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, and shared resources to model service interactions. Download now.

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Debugging Containerized Microservices: Idit Levine at QCon SF

At QCon San Francisco Idit Levine presented “Debugging Containerized Microservices”, and outlined the issues of debugging a distributed microservice-based system, and provided three potential approaches to overcome the inherent challenges. The talk also introduced a new open source microservices debugger that Levine is working on, Squash, which integrates with the VS Code IDE.

About the SOA Heritage Impact on Microservices

The heritage from SOA impacts the approach and design of a microservices architecture, how we select technology, and also the organisational aspects, Tareq Abedrabbo claimed at the recent Microservices Conference µCon London 2017. One example from his experience is that many organisations still have a separation between enterprise architects and developers.

Developing Transactional Microservices Using Aggregates, Event Sourcing and CQRS - Part 2

A novel approach to developing microservices using DDD, Event Sourcing, and CQRS is able to overcome the challenge of using a microservice architecture for transactional business applications.

Designing, Implementing, and Using Reactive APIs

With reactive programming in its early days, the options available to developers can be overwhelming. In this article, we offer some opinions on how you should design, implement and use reactive APIs.

Virtual Panel: Microservices Interaction and Governance Model - Orchestration v Choreography

The recent trend in application architecture is to transition from monolithic apps to microservices. InfoQ spoke with domain experts on this topic & compiled their responses in this article.

Practical Monitoring: Book Review and Q&A with Mike Julian

InfoQ recently sat down with Mike Julian, author of Practical Monitoring , and discussed the role and implementation of effective monitoring within software development and the business.

Building Reactive Microservices in Java (By O’Reilly)

Investigating distributed microservices? Want to get rid of your monolithic enterprise applications or not create new ones? Reactive design can help. Author and Red Hatter, Clement Escoffier, explains why and how Eclipse Vert.x is a good choice to build effective microservices systems. Download now.

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Microservices: Patterns and Practices Panel

C. Richardson, R. Shoup, L. Ryan, R. Tangirala, and R. Schloming participate in a discussion on microservices and the challenges faced at scale, the strategies to use and more.

Service-Oriented Development

Rafael Schloming talks about how the real goal of microservices is to break up a monolithic development workflow. He shows how to build software enabling to move fast and make things.

Istio - Weaving the Service Mesh

Louis Ryan discusses Istio, a tool which provides a common networking, security, telemetry and policy substrate for service meshes which help transitioning to microservices.

Debugging Containerized Microservices

Idit Levine describes and demonstrates common debugging techniques and introduces Squash, a new tool and methodology.

Nubank's Experience Scaling Microservices Operations

Renan Capaverde and Gustavo Barrancos share how Nubank adopted DevOps and a microservices architecture.

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