July 2018

Microservices Special Report

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In this special newsletter we bring you up to date on all the new content and news related to Microservices on InfoQ. We are also maintaining a portal page for this content on InfoQ at: https://www.infoq.com/microservices/.
Microservices and Site Reliability Engineering (news, Apr 29, 2018)
Microservices Lessons Learned from a Startup (presentations, Apr 28, 2018)
Microservices Panel: Security, Service Mesh, and Troubleshooting Distributed Systems (presentations, Apr 29, 2018)
Microservices & Scaling of Rational Interactions (presentations, Apr 19, 2018)

Microservices and Containers 101

Learn how developers use containers and microservices, their benefits and impact on resources, strategy, and monitoring, and what to do if you need a new application monitoring solution. Download the eBook.

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Microservices and Containers 101
Managing Data in Microservices (articles, Apr 16, 2018)
Data Consistency in Microservice Using Sagas (presentations, Jan 31, 2018)
The JHipster Mini-Book 4.5 (books, Apr 06, 2018)
The InfoQ eMag: Microservices - Patterns and Practices (books, Mar 23, 2018)
The Future of Microservices and Distributed Systems: QCon London Microservices Panel Discussion (news, Mar 11, 2018)

Designing Reactive Systems Using DDD, Event Storming and Actors

Domain-driven design (DDD) is often used for finding boundaries (bounded contexts) around microservices. But everything in domain-driven design (DDD) is not good for microservice, Lutz Huehnken claimed in a presentation at microxchg 2018 in Berlin where he discussed how DDD, Event Storming and the Akka-based Lagom framework can be used to build reactive systems.

Event-Driven Microservices at O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference NY

We've discussed event driven microservices architectures in the past, and the recent O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference NY had a focus on that topic which The New Stack's Joab Jackson reports upon.

Stefan Tilkov at microXchg Berlin: Microservice Patterns and Antipatterns

In his presentation at microXchg 2018 in Berlin, Stefan Tilkov explored patterns and antipatterns in microservice projects from his perspective, including Evolutionary Architecture, Decoupling Illusion, Distributed Monolith and Entity Service. He especially noted that some of the patterns he considers to be patterns, other people may see as antipatterns, and the other way around.

Ensuring Visibility into Microservices and Containers

As more enterprises embrace DevOps practices and move workloads to the cloud, application architects are increasingly looking to design choices that maximize the speed of development and deployment. Two of the fastest growing are containers and microservices. Download now.

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Ensuring Visibility into Microservices and Containers

Q&A with Kubernetes Founder Brendan Burns on Containers and Distributed System Patterns

InfoQ caught up with Brendan Burns, author of Designing Distributed Systems, Patterns and Paradigms for Scaleable Microservices. He talks about Distributed Systems patterns and how Containers enable it.

Cloud Native Java Has A New Home: Jakarta EE

Mike Milinkovich, executive director at the Eclipse Foundation, introduced a new Eclipse governance model and roadmap for Jakarta EE at this year’s JAX conference. Based on a recent survey of over 1800 Java developers, the new governance model will focus on support for cloud native application development and faster release cycles. Milinkovich spoke with InfoQ on the future of Jakarta EE.

Architecturally Aligned Testing

Testing microservices should not be done in a separate test phase, by a dedicated test team, but instead collaboratively. Besides pre-release tests, consider also release and post-release tests.

Virtual Panel: Microservices Communication and Governance Using Service Mesh

Service mesh offers a platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. InfoQ spoke with subject matter experts in this area to discuss service mesh frameworks.

Book Review and Q&A: Microservices and Containers by Parminder Singh Kocher

The book Microservices and Containers provides a deep dive into the main concepts, patterns and technologies used to implement modern, highly available, highly scalable cloud-native applications.

How to Build and Scale With Microservices

In our latest ebook, you’ll learn why savvy IT leaders are moving toward microservice-based architectures to future-proof their technology investments—and how you can too. Download the eBook.

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How to Build and Scale With Microservices

Debugging Microservices Applications w/ Service Mesh, openTracing & Squash

Idit Levine describes and demonstrates common debugging techniques and introduces Squash, a new tool and methodology.

The ARM to Z of Multi-Architecture Microservices

Christy Norman Perez and Christopher Jones discuss creating multi-platform images with Docker; emulating architectures in containers, running them on Docker Swarm on arm64, ppc64le, s390x, and x86_64.

Continuous Optimization of Microservices Using ML

Ramki Ramakrishna shares Twitter’s recent experience in applying Bayesian optimization to the performance tuning problem, discussing a service used for continuously optimizing microservices.

How We Migrated a Massive Legacy SOA Platform to Cloud Native Microservices at Comcast

Todd Migliore overviews how Comcast developed the xfinity service platform and migrated over 70 legacy SOA services to a cloud native microservice platform.

Productize Your Services! A Path towards Effective Microservice Development

Stephan Hagemann shows how to use the Spring Framework to build services infrastructures, use PaaS for scalable deployment, and combine this with Lean and Agile principles of product development.

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