October 2018

Microservices Special Report

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In this special newsletter we bring you up to date on all the new content and news related to Microservices on InfoQ. We are also maintaining a portal page for this content on InfoQ at: https://www.infoq.com/microservices/.
Designing Events-First Microservices (presentations, Sep 13, 2018)
Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way (presentations, Sep 10, 2018)
Debugging Microservices: How Google SREs Resolve Outages (presentations, Sep 10, 2018)
Strategies for Microservices Communication (news, Aug 16, 2018)
Service Meshes: Managing Complex Communication within Cloud Native Applications (books, Aug 14, 2018)

Node.js Guide for Advanced Users

In this in-depth guide for advanced Node.js users, you’ll discover proven techniques for launching and running an enterprise-scale product, service, or brand built on Node.js. Download Now.

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Node.js Guide for Advanced Users
Microservices in a Post-Kubernetes Era (articles, Sep 01, 2018)
Microservices from a Startup Perspective (articles, Aug 19, 2018)
Designing Microservice Architectures the Right Way: Michael Bryzek's Lessons Learned at QCon NY (news, Jul 15, 2018)
Microservices to Not Reach Adopt Ring in ThoughtWorks Technology Radar (news, Jun 02, 2018)
Experiences Using Micro Frontends at IKEA (news, Aug 07, 2018)

Strategies for Decomposing a System into Microservices

A couple of years ago, Vladik Khononov and his team decided to start using microservices, but a few months later they found themselves in a huge mess. They concentrated on new cool technologies instead of thinking about how to decompose a system into microservices — finding the boundaries and where different functionalities should be located among these boundaries.

Why Segment Returned to a Monolith from Microservices

Alexandra Noonan, from Segment, describes how they moved their original monolithic architecture to microservices and then found problems with that approach which required them to rethink and move back to a (different) monolithic architecture with far more appreciable benefits.

Observability and Microservices: The Need for Effective Tracing and Metrics

Zach Jory has written an article discussing how microservices and service mesh implementations need observability to ensure that developers can build cloud-native applications which scale and can be more easily managed. This ties into a number of articles and interviews we have spoken about over recent months too.

What .NET developers Need to Know about Azure

In this eBook you’ll learn how Azure compares to AWS, Google Cloud, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry and delve into Azure’s support for microservices, REST APIs, containers, .NET core, APM, and more. Download Now.

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What .NET developers Need to Know about Azure

Business Processes, Long-Running Services and Microservices

During recent years domain events are increasingly being discussed, but we should be discussing commands just as much, Martin Schimak explained at the recent DDD eXchange 2018 conference, where he covered events, command and long-running services in a microservices world, and how process managers and similar tooling can help in running core business logic.

Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems: Bernd Rücker Discusses Workflow Engines at QCon NY

At QCon New York, Bernd Rücker presented “Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems”, and cautioned that although event-driven architectures can be extremely powerful, it can also be easy to create complex and highly-coupled peer-to-peer event chains. He proposed that lightweight, open source workflow engine solutions provide many advantages for the business, developers and ops.

Packaging Applications for Docker and Kubernetes: Metaparticle vs Pulumi vs Ballerina

Metaparticle, Ballerina, and Pulumi have introduced different approaches by empowering developers to handle deployment automation within programing language itself without having handwriting YAMLs.

Improving Testability of Java Microservices with Container Orchestration and a Service Mesh

This article provides a practical demonstration of how container orchestration and service mesh technology provides an abstraction over service instances and networking, which enables better testing.

How BuzzFeed Migrated from a Perl Monolith to Go and Python Microservices

Starting in 2016 BuzzFeed began a re-architecture project moving from a single monolithic application written in Perl to a set of microservices.

Service Mesh: Promise or Peril?

Service meshes such as Istio, Linkerd, and Cilium are gaining increased visibility as companies adopt microservices. This article examines when a service mesh makes sense and when it might not.

Ballerina Microservices Programming Language: Introducing the Latest Release and "Ballerina Central"

The tutorial demonstrates Ballerina, a new language and platform whose objective is to make it easy to create resilient services that integrate and orchestrate across distributed endpoints.

Microservices and Containers 101

Learn how developers use containers and microservices, their benefits and impact on resources, strategy, and monitoring, and what to do if you need a new application monitoring solution. Download the eBook.

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Microservices and Containers 101

What is a Service Mesh, and Do I Need One When Developing Microservices?

Daniel Bryant introduces service mesh, what it is, when to use it, and some of the tools to employ.

Insecure Transit - Microservice Security

Sam Newman outlines some of the key challenges associated with microservice architectures with respect to security, and then looks at approaches to address these issues.

Microservices: API Re-Platforming @Expedia

Mariano Albera describes how the Expedia Affiliate Network unit underwent a massive replatforming project that moved from an on-prem monolith to a cloud-based microservice architecture.

Lyft's Envoy: Embracing a Service Mesh

Matt Klein explains why Lyft developed Envoy, focusing primarily on the operational agility that the burgeoning service mesh paradigm provides, with a focus on microservice networking observability.

Managing the Complexity of Microservices Deployments

Prithpal Bhogill and Kenny Bastani discuss building cloud native apps on PCF, Spring Boot and Cloud Services, exposing microservices over HTTP with Apigee Edge.

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