In this issue, March 27, 2018 View it in your browser.

Microservices, Web Development Trends, Java Module System, Inclusive Collaboration, Fatal Self-Driving Car Crash, Google Skaffold, Blockchain, Java 10 Released, WebOS

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The InfoQ eMag: Microservices - Patterns and Practices

While the underlying technology and patterns are certainly interesting, microservices have always been about helping development teams be more productive. Experts who spoke about microservices at QCon SF 2017 did not simply talk about the technical details of microservices, but included a focus on the business side and more human-oriented aspects of developing distributed software systems. (eMag)

Web Development InfoQ Trends Report

In this trends report, we take a look at the web development space, which is always an interesting one for us with a new JavaScript framework launched seemingly every couple of minutes. (Article)

Sander Mak on the Java Module System

Sander Mak discusses the module system with Java. We’ll hit on some of the practical advice he’s seen preparing and then implementing migrations to 9 (with and without the classpath). We’ll discuss some of the benefits and pitfalls to look for as you plan and execute your migrations. (Podcast)

Katherine Kirk, Sally Freudenberg & Chris Courier on Inclusive Collaboration

In this podcast recorded at Agile 2017, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Katherine Kirk, Sally Freudenberg & Chris Courier on Inclusive Collaboration, Neurodiversity and Creating Safe Spaces. (Podcast)


  1. Fighting Financial Fraud with Machine Learning at Airbnb

  2. Microsoft Embeds Artificial Intelligence Platform in Windows 10 Update

First Pedestrian Killed by Self-Driving Car

A pedestrian was killed on Sunday evening in Tempe, Arizona, by a self-driving car operated by Uber, the BBC reports. The firm confirmed that the vehicle was traveling in autonomous mode with a safety driver, the only vehicle occupant, behind the wheel during the crash. (News)



Get Started with PostgreSQL and MySQL on Azure.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL and Azure Database for MySQL bring together community edition database engines and capabilities of a fully managed service. Tune in to get a quick overview of the advantages of using the service, and see some of the capabilities in action. Watch Now.


  1. IBM Delivers the First Bare Metal Kubernetes in the Public Cloud

  2. Kubernetes Founder Craig McLuckie on Going Multi-Cloud and Open Source

  3. Monitoring Microservices at Scale at Crisp

  4. New Research from GitLab Shines Light on the Value and Challenges of DevOps

  5. Ankyra Presents “Escape”, a Release Automation Tool That Manages Platforms as Logical Components

Google Releases “Skaffold”, a Tool That Facilitates Continuous Development with Kubernetes

Google has released Skaffold, an open source command line tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes applications. Skaffold is entering an increasingly crowded space of Kubernetes development automation tooling, including Azure’s Draft, Datawire’s Forge and Weavework’s Flux. (News)



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  1. GitHub Security Alerts Detected over Four Million Vulnerabilities

  2. GitHub Licensed Aims to Make it Easier to Comply with OSS Licenses

Book Review: Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain

David Gerard's 2017 book, "Attack of the 50ft Blockchain", is an in-depth look at the cryptocurrency space. The book takes a straightforwardly skeptical angle, and is explicitly intended as a non-technical overview that frames Bitcoin in purely political and economic terms. (Article)

Dockerize Your Development

Lee Brandt shows how to get Docker set up for a project, how to maintain the Docker environment, and how to deploy to production, explaining the basics of Docker. (Presentation)

Service Discovery Using CRDTs

Mushtaq Ahmed and Unmesh Joshi discuss using CRDTs in Akka to build service discovery for Thirty Meter Telescope. (Presentation)

Category Theory for the Working Hacker

Philip Wadler explains why category theory is of interest for developers and how categories model three basic data types: products (logical and), sums (logical or), and functions (logical implication). (Presentation)
The next QCon is San Francisco, April 9-11, 2018. Join us!


  1. Java 10 Released

  2. JavaFX and the Future of Java Client Technologies

Servlet and Reactive Stacks in Spring Framework 5

Spring Framework 5 supports both traditional servlet-based and reactive web stacks, in the same server application, reflecting a major shift towards asynchronous, non-blocking concurrency in applications. In this article Spring committer Rossen Stoyanchev explores and contrasts both stacks, and explains the range of available choices, and provides guidance for choosing the appropriate stack. (Article)

Turkcell TV Platform Journey from Ground Zero up to Cloud Native with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Erdem Günay shares the journey of re-platforming Turkcell TV service to Cloud Native within a few months using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. (Presentation)

What's New in Spring for Apache Kafka 2.0

Gary Russell discusses Spring's support for Kafka including better threading and a new consumer-aware listener. (Presentation)

Enable Authentication and Authorization with Azure Active Directory and Spring Security

Yawei Wang shows through a live coding session how to use Spring Security to enable Azure Active Directory authentication and authorization. (Presentation)

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. #smooshgate and the Challenges of Web Compatibility

Gaining Control with the Web Animations API

Dan Wilson talks about the Web Animations API, how this new JavaScript API came to be and how it compares to the alternate ways to animate on the web. He goes through its added benefits like timelines, controls, and its dynamic nature in addition to detailing what is available today and coming soon. (Presentation)
The next QCon is San Francisco, April 9-11, 2018. Join us!

Elm and Game Development, a Perfect Fit

Paulo Diniz discusses the Elm architecture, how to use it as functional reactive programming for web game development. (Presentation)



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LG Open Sources WebOS

LG has released an open-sourced version of webOS, with the aim to expand it usage for display products, mobile devices, and home appliances. (News)

Productize Your Services! A Path towards Effective Microservice Development

Stephan Hagemann shows how to use the Spring Framework to build services infrastructures, use PaaS for scalable deployment, and combine this with Lean and Agile principles of product development. (Presentation)

Adopting PCF at an Automobile Manufacturer

Thomas Seibert and Gregor Zurowski show how they implemented a microservice architecture based on PCF, sharing issues met, lessons learned, as well as opportunities and enhancements for the platform. (Presentation)

Tech Modernization: A Cloud Migration

John Berry and Henri van den Bulk share lessons learned and guidance on building scalable cloud-based SaaS applications. (Presentation)

With Great Scalability Comes Great Responsibility

Dana Engebretson covers the contextual pros and cons of a number of architectural patterns given real world scalability constraints; from orchestrating Lambdas with AWS step functions to multiprocessing with S3 triggers to rate limiting with queues like SQS. (Presentation)
The next QCon is San Francisco, April 9-11, 2018. Join us!

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Jeff Patton on Fixing Agile Product Ownership

  2. Becoming an Agile Company

  3. Q&A with Marisa Fagen on Security Championship

The Power of Doubt in Software Testing

Being skeptical of ourselves and of what the majority believes keeps us on our toes and forces our mind to work harder. Doubting our own - and other people's - feelings of certainty is a healthy practice that helps us solve problems and avoid bigger problems in the longer run, and it can make us better testers. (Article)

Virtual Reality Will Disrupt Agile Coaching and Training

Online technology (virtual reality, adaptive personalized learning and videoconferencing) will disrupt the agile coaching and training spaces in the next 3-5 years. We predict that by the end of 2020 at least one large, credible agile/Scrum certification organization will be running agile/Scrum certification courses in virtual reality. Today’s winners will become tomorrow’s losers. (Article)

The PO Skillset

Geoff Watts shares from his experience encountering Product Owners in his 15 years as coach and trainer in business. (Presentation)

Scaling Culture Change with Ally Skills

Valerie Aurora explains why allies should take action, describes some important ally skills, and recommends several concrete ways to embed ally skills in our engineering culture. (Presentation)
The next QCon is San Francisco, April 9-11, 2018. Join us!

Building Great Engineer Cultures from 0 to Scale

Marty Weiner looks at how companies evolve from very early stage startup growth to big companies and many of the management / cultural challenges faced at various inflection points in growth. He introduces a model that he used at Pinterest and Reddit to break up the understanding of culture into smaller portions that we can then use to grade ourselves and fix bite sized issues. (Presentation)
The next QCon is San Francisco, April 9-11, 2018. Join us!