In this issue, October 4, 2022 View it in your browser.

Microsoft BEiT-3, Chainguard Wolfi, Stripe Dev Envs, CockroachDB Serverless, CPU Architecture, Jakarta EE 10, Spring Boot Migrator, InfoQ .NET Trends, Android Studio, Moldable Development, Staff-Plus

Inspire your team at QCon San Francisco - October 24-28.

Enjoy light breakfasts, QCon receptions, peer sharing during Unconference sessions, lunch discussions, longer breaks, and conference social events. Connect with speakers, attendees, InfoQ editors, and sponsors. Check out the full conference schedule and see how your team can connect at QCon San Francisco.



Preventing Noisy & Nosy Neighbors in Multi-tenant Amazon EKS Environments

Learn best practices for IT admins to safely and efficiently set up multiple multi-tenant clusters on Amazon EKS in this infographic from D2iQ. Download Free Infographic.

The InfoQ Podcast: .NET Trends Report 2022

In this episode of The InfoQ Podcast, we will discuss some of the .NET Trends for 2022. Today we will focus on the latest .NET developments related to User Interface and Communication. Our panelist guests for this discussion are Irina Scurtu, Microsoft MVP and international speaker, and François Tanguay, CEO at Uno Platform. (Podcast)

Genuine Recognition as a Motivating Driver

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Dr Natalie Baumgartner of Achievers Workforce Institute about the recently released State of Engagement report, how recognition needs to be far more than just lip service and how managers can engage effectively with their people. (Podcast)

Microsoft Trains Two Billion Parameter Vision-Language AI Model BEiT-3

Researchers from Microsoft's Natural Language Computing (NLC) group announced the latest version of Bidirectional Encoder representation from Image Transformers: BEiT-3, a 1.9B parameter vision-language AI model. BEiT-3 models images as another language and achieves state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of downstream tasks. (News)



10 Critical KPIs for Stronger Software Releases

In this guide, we suggest 10 KPIs you can use to track how well you’re deploying, releasing, and shipping software. Although these are just our suggestions, we believe they represent a good starting point for data collection during an often overlooked phase of software development. Download now.


  1. AWS CloudFormation Adds New Language Extensions

  2. NPM Package Masquerading as Popular Material Tailwind Library To Install Malicious Code

  3. Building an Effective Platform by Focusing on End-to-End Workflows

  4. Undistro Wolfi Designed to Mitigate Software Supply Chain Risk

Building and Scaling Developer Environments at Stripe

Soam Vasani discusses how Stripe handles dev environment infrastructure needs, plus techniques that help dev environments adapt and evolve to support a growing organization. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!

"Trust Me, I'm an Insider" - Diving into Zero Trust Security

Sindhuja Raoand and Deepank Dixit discuss how Zero Trust does a better security job, how scalable it is and why trust the “Zero Trust”. (Presentation with transcript included)



Backing up AWS data: The Definitive Guide

The importance of protecting your data in AWS cannot be overstated. CISA recommends using air gapped, immutable backup and rapid recovery. Learn How.


  1. AWS IoT FleetWise Now Generally Available

  2. Cloudflare R2 Storage Generally Available

  3. Google Cloud Introduces Startup CPU Boost for Cloud Run and Cloud Functions 2nd Gen

CockroachDB Serverless Now Generally Available

Cockroach Labs, a computer software company that develops commercial database management systems, recently announced the general availability of its serverless database. In addition, the company also announced integrations with HashiCorp's Vault and Terraform. (News)



Learn how to build high-performance APIs and microservices

Discover how easy it is to get started with Kalix, Lightbend's new Platform-as-a-Service that combines an API-first, database-less programming model and serverless runtime. Get started with the needed tools to create, build and deploy your first Java based Kalix service. Learn More.

Comparison of Performance of Multiple CPU Architectures

Matthew Singer and Jeff Balk discuss similiarities and differences among multiple high performing CPU architectures. (Presentation with transcript included)



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  1. JUnit 5.9 Supports GraalVM Native Image

  2. Helidon 3.0 Introduces Project Starter and Requires Java 17 and Jakarta EE 9.1

  3. Introducing Spring Boot Migrator

  4. Jakarta EE 10 Delivers New Core Profile and Updates to Specifications

  5. Java News Roundup: JDK 19 and Jakarta EE 10 Released, String Templates, Payara Platform

Moving Kafka and Debezium to Kubernetes Using Strimzi - the GitOps Way

Deploying an Apache Kafka cluster to a Kubernetes is not an easy task. There are a lot of pieces to configure like the zookeeper, the Kafka cluster, topics, and users. Strimzi is a Kubernetes controller making the deployment process of Kafka a child game. Moreover, Strimzi lets you manage Kafka using GitOps methodology as everything is executed using a Kubernetes YAML file. (Article)



From Minecraft to LinkedIn: How Microsoft Uses Java Internally

This eBook provides a historical look at the ways in which Microsoft has adopted Java over the years, the recent history of its investments in Java, and how various groups within Microsoft are using it. Download now.

InfoQ .NET Trends Report 2022

Every year, all InfoQ editors invite seasoned developers and practitioners from the industry to discuss the current trends in the entire software development landscape. In this article, we discuss some of the .NET Trends for 2022, divided into four stages of adoption. (Article)


Monte Carlo

MPACT 2022: The Data Observability Summit

Join us on October 25-26 for Monte Carlo's second annual conference featuring virtual talks and panels. RSVP to hear from the leaders defining the most impactful movements in data. Save your spot.

Android Studio Dolphin Extends Jetpack Compose, Wear OS, and Test Automation Integration

The latest release of Android Studio, dubbed Dolphin, improves Jetpack Compose screen previews, extends Wear OS support, and introduces Gradle Managed Virtual Devices to simplify test automation. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Atlassian Exceeds 99.9999% of Availability Using Sidecars and Highly Fault-Tolerant Design

Building & Operating High-Fidelity Data Streams

At QCon Plus 2021 last November, Sid Anand, chief architect at Datazoom and PMC Member at Apache Airflow, presented on building high-fidelity nearline data streams as a service within a lean team. In this talk, Anand provides a master class on building high-fidelity data streams from the ground up. (Article)


Agile Lab

[Analyst Brief] Accelerate Data-Driven Transformation with Data Mesh

As data sources and use cases rapidly expand, it becomes harder for companies to design a data-driven transformation strategy. Learn how a Data mesh can help you rationalize the organizational chaos generated by a tsunami of data and use cases. Download now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Technical Debt is Quantifiable as Financial Debt: an Impossible Thing for Developers

Bridging the Understanding Gap between Business and IT

The understanding gap between business and IT is one of the largest challenges to effective digital transformation. Drawing on research and their own experience, the author presents 10 practical tips to break stereotypes, build relationships, and bridge the gaps. (Article)

Moldable Development: Guiding Technical Decisions without Reading Code

Developers spend most of their time reading code. Moldable Development challenges reading as a means to gather information from the system, by creating custom tools that show the problem in a way that makes it comfortable to understand. The solution typically follows quickly afterward. Glamorous Toolkit is a moldable development environment designed to decrease the cost of custom tools. (Article)

Five Behaviours to Become an Effective Staff-Plus Engineer

Blanca Garcia Gil takes a step back and goes through a handful of skills that when applied strategically will help one amplify their impact in a team. (Presentation with transcript included)

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