It’s gotten a little easier to develop PWAs in Windows

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IDG’s Top Enterprise Stories

Our top picks from IDG's editors
Sep 11, 2018
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Microsoft cuts Office 2016 some slack, lets users connect to services until 2023

Microsoft will let Office 2016 users connect to Microsoft's online services for three more years than the company had earlier said. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

It’s gotten a little easier to develop PWAs in Windows
Interview: Joel Spolsky on how the developer role has changed
The 3 reasons CIOs have become cloud-first
Software-defined data centers need MANO
7 secrets to predictive analytics success
Are mixnets the answer to anonymous communications?
Driving digital strategy at Agero

White Paper: Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Securing Privileged Access with Hitachi ID Privileged Access Manager (PAM)

Privileged accounts, like their name suggests, are accounts designed to provide broad access to systems and data. They are an integral part of every IT infrastructure and play a key role in a large variety of day-to-day operations. Read More

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It’s gotten a little easier to develop PWAs in Windows

Microsoft’s progressive web apps tools remain unintegrated, but there's been some progress for Visual Studio developers Read More

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Interview: Joel Spolsky on how the developer role has changed

He weighs in on the triumph of JavaScript, the advent of WebAssembly, and the purchase of GitHub by Microsoft Read More

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The 3 reasons CIOs have become cloud-first

The move to a cloud-first strategy is being shaped by drivers that we did not originally anticipate—certainly not for cost reasons Read More

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Software-defined data centers need MANO

Why management, automation and network orchestration are essential to the agility and flexibility of software-defined data centers Read More

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7 secrets to predictive analytics success

Forecast the future with accuracy and confidence. Here are the tools and tactics you need to know to translate data into foresight. Read More

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Are mixnets the answer to anonymous communications?

Combined with strong encryption such as the Signal protocol, modern mixnets could achieve the Holy Grail: metadata-resistant secure communications. Read More

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Driving digital strategy at Agero

Bernie Gracy, chief digital officer at Agero, reveals his team’s journey from digitization to digital transformation. Read More

White Paper: Bronze Drum Consulting

How Powerful New Technologies are Powering a Real-Time Revolution in Capital Markets

Discover how machine learning, informed by rich, streaming data, is helping business leaders transform financial services is this white paper from Bronze Drum Consulting. By leveraging cloud services, financial service firms now have the power to put real-time streaming data to work. Read More

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