Microsoft Teams: Now Zoom-like breakout rooms arrive alongside Together mode for web; Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet
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Microsoft: Turning Excel into a Turing-complete programming language

Excel might be the world's most widely used programming language; Microsoft is on a journey to turn it into a better and more powerful programming language, without losing what makes it Excel.

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Microsoft Teams: Now Zoom-like breakout rooms arrive alongside Together mode for web

Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet

How to highlight unique values in Excel

How to easily include dynamic dates in a Word doc using Excel

3 ways to change the "confirm on delete" dialog in Windows 10

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In this free PDF download from TechRepublic, we compiled the best tips to help executives and managers support their team’s mental wellness and help them stay productive and motivated.

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Microsoft exposes Adrozek, malware that hijacks Chrome, Edge, and Firefox

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Zoom vs. Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx and Skype: Choosing the right video-conferencing apps for you

This free PDF download from TechRepublic will help you decide which video conferencing platform is right for your business needs.

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Sample file: How to add a drop down list to an Excel cell


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Managing the multicloud

A multicloud approach has been talked about for years within enterprises, but few companies have gone that direction. Now it's easier to go multicloud and AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform all share customers. Here's a look at managing multiple cloud providers, how to play them off each other, and what vendors and tools can help you manage multiple clouds.

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