Microsoft Teams and Skype users can now chat together; Microsoft integrating Chromium version of Edge in next Windows 10 update
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How Microsoft is changing its Windows Insider program

Windows Insider builds are shifting from the current Ring model to a new Channel model in an attempt to make the process less confusing.

More from TechRepublic

Microsoft Teams and Skype users can now chat together

Microsoft to integrate Chromium version of Edge in next Windows 10 update

Asana expands offerings with Asana for Microsoft Teams

Windows 10: What Microsoft's Project Reunion means for your applications

How to recall a message sent in Microsoft Outlook

Featured download

Microsoft 365: A cheat sheet (free PDF)

As of April 21, 2020, Microsoft has officially changed the name of its productivity suite from Office 365 to Microsoft 365. From that date forward, billing, marketing, and alerts will reflect the Microsoft 365 branding. Microsoft 365 is the de facto productivity suite for many enterprises, and it is the suite all the other competitors are measured against. So as an IT leader, it’s in your best interest to know everything about Microsoft 365.

The latest from ZDNet

Microsoft, stop feeding bugs to a billion Windows 10 users. Here's how

Microsoft's GitHub: Now open-source developers get 'one linter to rule them all'

Microsoft president Brad Smith: It's time Apple's App Store model was probed

Microsoft Defender ATP now scans Windows 10 PC firmware for hardware rootkit attacks

Multimedia spotlight

Video teleconferencing do's and don'ts (free PDF)

Most of the world might be working from home, but that doesn't mean it's okay to go wild when you’re on a teleconference. There are certain behaviors that are acceptable to do while on a Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, or some other video conferencing platform, and some things that you just need to avoid. TechRepublic talked to several etiquette experts and business pros to get their advice on what to do, and what not to do on camera. Their advice, tips and tricks to make the most out of a video teleconference are compiled in this free PDF download.

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Microservices: The foundation of tomorrow's enterprise applications

Microservice architecture has the potential to pick up where service-oriented architecture (SOA) left off, making application development faster, more scalable, and more flexible. But as with SOA, some doubt microservices can live up to their promise. We help CIOs sort out the fact from fiction.

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