In Microsoft's lightest Patch Tuesday update of the year so far, several security vulnerabilities stand out as must-patch, researchers warn.
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 September 15, 2022
Microsoft Quashes Actively Exploited Zero-Day, Wormable Critical Bugs
In Microsoft's lightest Patch Tuesday update of the year so far, several security vulnerabilities stand out as must-patch, researchers warn.
TeamTNT Hits Docker Containers via 150K Malicious Cloud Image Pulls
Honeypot activity exposed two credentials that the threat actor is using to host and distribute malicious container images, security vendor says.
SparklingGoblin Updates Linux Version of SideWalk Backdoor in Ongoing Cyber Campaign
Researchers link the APT to an attack on a Hong Kong university, which compromised multiple key servers using advanced Linux malware.
Attackers Exploit Zero-Day WordPress Plug-in Vulnerability in BackupBuddy
The critical flaw in BackupBuddy is one of thousands of security issues reported in recent years in products that WordPress sites use to extend functionality.
Microsoft, Cloud Providers Move to Ban Basic Authentication
Microsoft moves ahead with a plan to sunset basic authentication, and other providers are moving — or have moved — to requiring more secure authentication as well. Is your company ready?
Vulnerability Exploits, Not Phishing, Are the Top Cyberattack Vector for Initial Compromise
A slew of Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities (including ProxyLogon) fueled a surge in attacks targeting software flaws in 2021, but the trend has continued this year.
Lorenz Ransomware Goes After SMBs via Mitel VoIP Phone Systems
The ransomware gang has been seen exploiting a Mitel RCE flaw discovered in VoIP devices in April (and patched in July) to perform double-extortion attacks.
LockBit, ALPHV & Other Ransomware Gang Leak Sites Hit by DDoS Attacks
A sweeping effort to prevent a raft of targeted cybercrime groups from posting ransomware victims' data publicly is hampering their operations, causing outages.
Cisco Data Breach Attributed to Lapsus$ Ransomware Group
Analysis shows attackers breached employee credentials with voice phishing and were preparing a ransomware attack against Cisco Systems.
Monti, the New Conti: Ransomware Gang Uses Recycled Code
A new group, Monti, appears to have used leaked Conti code, TTPs, and infrastructure approaches to launch its own ransomware campaign.
Name That Toon: Shiver Me Timbers!
Feeling creative? Submit your caption and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.
Why Ports Are at Risk of Cyberattacks
More docked ships bring a new challenge. The longer a ship is docked, the more vulnerable the port is to a cyberattack.
To Ease the Cybersecurity Worker Shortage, Broaden the Candidate Pipeline
With enough passion, intelligence, and effort, anyone can be a successful cybersecurity professional, regardless of education or background.
Everything You Need To Know About BlackCat (AlphaV)
A relative newcomer to the ransomware scene, the BlackCat group quickly gained notoriety and may be associated with other APT groups like Conti and DarkSide.
5 Keys to Better Key Management
From analyzing your company's risk profile to knowing where keys are stored and who can access them, prioritize key clean-up and management. Make compliance an outcome and develop a risk management strategy.
Darktrace Shares Plunge After Thoma Bravo Acquisition Falls Apart
No agreement could be reached on terms of a firm offer, the provider of AI-based cybersecurity products says.

Security Awareness Training Must Evolve to Align With Growing E-Commerce Security Threats
Users must continually be made aware of new threats, including attacks targeting shipping, the supply chain, email, and hybrid workers.

Business Security Starts With Identity
How identity-centric security can support business objectives.

Attackers Can Compromise Most Cloud Data in Just 3 Steps
An analysis of cloud services finds that known vulnerabilities typically open the door for attackers, while insecure cloud architectures allow them to gain access to the crown jewels.

Zane Lackey: 'Technology Is the Easy Bit'
Security Pro File: The DevOps evangelist and angel investor shares his expertise with the next generation of startups. If you're lucky, maybe he'll even share his Lagavulin.

A Pragmatic Response to the Quantum Threat
You certainly don't need to panic, but you do need to form a plan to prepare for the post-quantum reality.
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