Windows Update issues may be at root of February's patch delay

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Network World Microsoft Alert

Feb 16, 2017
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Microsoft shelves all February security updates

Microsoft today took the unprecedented step of postponing an entire month's slate of security updates for Windows and its other products. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Windows Update issues may be at root of February's patch delay
Munich's great Linux desktop initiative may end
Microsoft says tech companies need to protect and not to help attack customers
New LibreOffice release sparks record donations to Document Foundation
Microsoft launches Insider program for business users
Microsoft quietly prolongs life of original Windows 10
Analysts peer into Microsoft's rumored Windows 10 Cloud
Intel now supports Vulkan on Windows 10 PCs

White Paper: Smarsh

The Public Sector Guide to Social Media Strategy and Policy: Networkworld White Paper

Use social media with confidence. This guide contains practical steps that will help public sector agencies and departments develop a social media strategy and policy to gain maximum value from social media efforts. It also outlines some smart records retention practices - so you'll be better prepared to respond to open records requests or other e-discovery needs when they arise. Read More

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Windows Update issues may be at root of February's patch delay

Microsoft didn't say why it postponed this month's security updates, but a patch expert pointed to a likely problem with the company's update service infrastructure. Read More

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Munich's great Linux desktop initiative may end

After a decade of running Linux on the desktop, the city of Munich will let employees choose their work OS. Read More

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Microsoft says tech companies need to protect and not to help attack customers

During an RSA keynote, Microsoft said the world needs a Digital Geneva Convention and tech companies need to operate like a neutral Digital Switzerland, playing 100% defense and 0% offense. Read More

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New LibreOffice release sparks record donations to Document Foundation

The release of version 5.3 of LibreOffice, the free software productivity suite, has pushed the number of donations to the Document Foundation to a record high, according to the group’s co-founder, Italo Vignoli. Read More

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Microsoft launches Insider program for business users

The Windows Insider program has been an important program for Microsoft, soliciting feedback from thousands of individual customers to help with the development and debugging of Windows 10. Now the company has launched an equivalent program for corporate users. Read More

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Microsoft quietly prolongs life of original Windows 10

Microsoft earlier this month quietly extended the life of Windows 10's debut edition, the version launched in July 2015. Read More

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Analysts peer into Microsoft's rumored Windows 10 Cloud

Talk of a new version of Windows 10, dubbed "Cloud," surfaced last week and many see the move as a way to rival Google's Chrome OS. Read More

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Intel now supports Vulkan on Windows 10 PCs

Intel is bringing more options to improve gaming and virtual reality experiences on Windows PCs with official support for Vulkan. Read More

White Paper: Cisco Systems

5 Ways Your Network Can Accelerate Digital Transformation: Networkworld White Paper

What differentiates leaders today? They make technology strategy the prime mover of business strategy - so they can innovate quickly and consistently. Here's how Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) makes it possible. Read More

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