Plastic recycling heroes: Lessons from Kenya, Senegal & India
Increasing plastic recycling is an important approach to achieving a circular economy. It keeps materials 'in the loop' longer and out of the environment. We are featuring some of the remarkable entrepreneurs that WASTE is supporting who are innovating in plastic recycling. Our plastic recycling specialist, Sophie van den Berg, interviewed a few of these recycling heroes who are creating sustainable business models for managing plastic pollution.
Sometimes you need a bit of money to make a bit of money
Journey of a waste entrepreneur in Mali
Scrap trade-in waste metals always seem to occur without any support as metals are a valuable traded commodity material. In Mali, entrepreneur Kamoko Sidibé has been a metal scrap dealer since 2006 but never managed to realise a regular income high enough to support his family and grow his business. He was one of the first to get accepted into the EJOM programme and follow the 10-day training and fix this.
Investing in youth: Profiling the next generation of development professionals
Showcasing some of the youth talent who have passed by WASTE over the last year. WASTE builds partnerships and strengthens existing models for successful scaling. Yet, we also welcome dynamic thinkers and support innovative research topics in collaboration with various institutions.
Welcoming WASTE's new Supervisory Board members We are happy to announce that Ms. Pritha Hariram and Mr. Nico Terra have been appointed to WASTE’s Supervisory Board. The new appointments join Ms. Rolien Sasse and Mr. Adriaan Mels who will stay with us as Supervisory Board members for the coming period.
Upcoming events
28 JULY 2021 11.00-12.00 CEST | Join WASTE advisers, along with the FINISH Mondial team in the live webinar announcing and chosing the winners of the 2nd Annual SanTech Hackathon. Register here.
23-28 AUGUST 2021 | Co-hosting and presenting various sessions at SIWI World Water Week at home. Session details here.
4-7 OCTOBER 2021 | Presenting at International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) conference, Athens, Greece.