
Milano’s air purifiers neutralise airborne particles, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for families

Emrill’s Continuous Improvement team (Siddharth Menon – Continuous Improvement Analyst, Felicia Dlima – Continuous Improvement Administrator and Vinod Azir – Continuous Improvement Manager)

Emrill’s continuous improvement efforts have significantly impacted customer satisfaction through improved service quality, efficient service […]

Empower urges construction sector to build efficient

Empower’s portfolio is expanding with new real estate projects

Robert Stringer, Managing Director at MRI Software

For FM teams, data should be seamlessly accessible across teams and systems

Jay Gadhavi

KROHNE is poised to support the region’s industrial growth and contribute to its sustainable development […]


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5 minutes with ... Hugh Henderson
Total Jordan sponsors campaign to reduce litter
Bee'ah's Tandeef celebrates second anniversary

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