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News & Analysis on Supplements, Health & Nutrition - Europe01-Jul-2021
E-sports is no longer a niche market. As with other athletes, performance and endurance are key for e-athletes – and manufacturers of functional foods and nutritional supplements can tap into new audiences here. DOWNLOAD GELITA's concepts Guide... click here
Milk protein may act as effective delivery vehicle for blueberry nutrients
A protein found in cow’s milk, may help boost the accessibility of nutrients found in blueberry anthocyanins and their by-products, according to a group of China-based researchers.... Read more
Plant fibre ingredients alter gut microbiome that could help obese, study concludes
Ingredients used to formulate prototypes for snack foods appear to shape the gut microbiome in ways that help prevent cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity, US scientists think.... Read more
British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines support probiotic use in addressing IBS
The British Society of Gastroenterology has published updated guidelines for the management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in which probiotics may prove effective for general symptoms and abdominal pain linked to the condition.... Read more
Review finds only tepid support for use of taurine for sports performance
The amino acid taurine has been a mainstay of sports nutrition formulations for many years. But the authors of a recent review paper said the evidence for its physiological effects is mixed at best.... Read more
 NutraWomen Wednesday: Sonja Nodland, PhD, Principal Scientist at Kerry Health
Sonja Nodland, PhD, fought and won a battle with childhood cancer and now that fight continues—in the lab.... Watch now
Coronavirus: Your one-stop blog for food industry updates
Bringing together trusted global food industry coverage from across our universe of B2B titles to provide rolling updates and breaking news on the implications of COVID-19 for the food sector.... Read more
View all news headlines for:    Apr     May     Jun
UK Food & Drink Shows Postponed
UK Food & Drink Shows Postponed
Covid restrictions including new advice against travelling in the Birmingham area have forced the postponement of the UK Food & Drink Shows. Organisers William Reed has said it is 'devastated' at having to make the decision to postpone the event next month... click here
NovoBiome & INRAE team up again to probe host-microbiota relationships
NovoBiome and The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) are to work together on a new metagenomic approach that delves deeper into the host-microbiota relationship.... Read more
Phynova and Lus in deal to promote Mulberry Leaf extract health benefits
Phynova Group is to enter a partnership with Lus Health Ingredients to extend the availability and benefits of its White Mulberry Leaf extract that is said to aid in reducing glucose uptake after meals.... Read more
Potato and rice protein shakes better than whey for glucose control
Plant-based protein shakes may be better than whey protein shakes for people who need to monitor their glucose levels, according to research from the Centre for Nutraceuticals at the University of Westminster.... Read more
Building a Healthy Immune System: Learn How Two Essential Vitamins Fortify the Immune System
Why do some people have a less difficult time with viruses, while others end up in the hospital, fighting for their lives? Why do some escape being infected by viruses altogether?
How to innovate in stress-relief supplements: market analysis, effective plant-based solution and innovative applications
Recent research confirmed an increase in prevalence of stress on US population due to the coronavirus pandemic. Because crisis affect families, impact lifestyles and has economic consequences, people feel uncertain and fear for their future. That’s the reason why this situation will have a long-term...
Immunity and Beauty
Health and beauty have long worked hand-in-hand, but as COVID-19 continues to create seismic shifts in consumer needs and expectations, the demand for personal care items – topical and ingestible – that de-stress, soothe and protect as part of wider holistic wellbeing is surging. And...
Immunity and Sports & Active Nutrition
Interest in exercise and nutrition is growing as consumers look to support immune function. This session will debate the latest developments in this field and how nutrition can support the immune system while helping consumers and athletes stay active.
Immunity and Clinical Trials: Emerging Research
The market has been flooded with products claiming to help support the immune system ever since the pandemic hit this region in early 2020. But how many of these have been based on credible scientific evidence? In this edition, we’ll discuss some of the newest...
Immunity and Botanicals: Adaptogens in focus
Botanicals are a traditional, yet trending, category with a wealth of scientific backing, especially when it comes to immune function claims. This session will discuss the newest and most relevant science, trends and innovations within the space of medicinal plants and mushrooms, with a special...
OmegaQuant Expands Omega-3 Testing to Pets
OmegaQuant has launched a new Omega-3 Index Test for pets that dog and cat owners can bring into the veterinarian and have their pet’s omega-3 level tested.... Read more
FDA lists NDI update among priorities for coming year
Publishing a revised version of the NDI Draft Guidance has made a list of FDA priorities for the coming year. Industry observers welcomed the news, but questioned how much impact it might have if enforcement priorities remain as they are.... Read more
Higher magnesium levels linked to lower hostility in young Americans
The dose-dependent association between higher magnesium levels and lower hostility in young American adults was even more pronounced among those with higher omega-3 intakes, report researchers in the journal Nutrition Research.... Read more
Skipping breakfast leads to clear nutritional gaps among adults, study finds
Those who skip breakfast are more likely to miss out on several key nutrients considered to be “dietary components of public health concern” by the USDA’s latest dietary guidelines compared to those who reported eating breakfast, according to an analysis of NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) data.... Read more
Growth Asia Broadcast Series | Healthy Ageing – Part One
Growth Asia Broadcast Series | Healthy Ageing – Part One
The Growth Asia Series kicks off on 29 June with our first Healthy Ageing session focusing on Mobility and Cognitive Health. The event will drill down into the latest research, trends and products for conditions associated with mobility and cognition... click here
 Podcast: Dr Andrew Scholey on consulting and contributing to cognitive health
New guide offers transparency on plant-based sports nutrition
COVID-19 nutrition in Indonesia: Survey shows nine in 10 dietitians recommended vitamin C, B complex to patients
Nature’s Bounty gives beauty supplement makeover with new format, more biotin
Switching diet promotes healthy skin and joints, say scientists
Overcoming hesperidin low solubility and bioavailability
Your probiotic solutions provider to support Natural Defenses
How to Enter UK’s £690M CBD Market
I am vaccinated, what´s next?
Your bioavailable and soluble anti-aging curcumin
Spark Success with Award-winning Microbiome Solutions
New clinical trial on µsmin® Plus: Efficacy of a low-dose diosmin supplementation for Leg Comfort and Vein Health
Robertet, hemp extracts and CBD solutions
Broad. Range. Immune. Support.
Business case: private label iron supplements
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