Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

Each day we are fortunate to bring you incredible Bitcoin content to consume — enjoy! 
📝 Today's Rundown
  • 💻 Miner's Flexibility: Bitcoin miners are uniquely flexible energy consumers we can use as tools to help solve several energy problems.
  • 🎮 Play To Earn: THNDR’s new solitaire-style mobile game is the latest addition to its suite of familiar games that make onboarding Bitcoiners easier in emerging markets.
  • 🏘️ Pristine Collateral: Bitcoin’s attributes will lead to its inevitable usage as collateral for lending, mainly due to its superiority over real estate’s properties.
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Five Factor Making Bitcoin Miners Unique Energy Consumers
By Jaran Mellerud

The Bitcoin mining industry consumes energy like no other business, but not in the way that mainstream media wants you to believe. The industry is the perfect consumer of energy and the energy sector can benefit greatly from such kind of clients. Bitcoin miners are uniquely flexible when it comes to energy consumption and its intrinsic incentives can help solve several energy problems.

  • Bitcoin miners are financially incentivized to adjust their energy consumption based on the price of energy. Their profits are directly proportional to the price of energy, hence they are constantly looking for cheaper and cleaner energy sources. 
  • A bitcoin miner can interrupt its production and energy consumption at a moment's notice without losing more money than the alternative cost of not producing bitcoin.
  • A bitcoin mining facility can generally be built in any location with cheap energy and internet access.
  • The modularity of bitcoin mining makes it possible to design a bitcoin mining load to match the available energy generation capacity.
  • A Bitcoin mining operation can be designed to be portable.
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Answer The Survey For Sats!


THNDR Launches Play-To-Earn Bitcoin Solitaire Game
By Shawn Amick

THNDR Games, a bitcoin-only gaming company has launched Club Bitcoin: Solitaire, a new solitaire-style mobile game that allows its users to earn bitcoin while playing.

With a mission to bring bitcoin to the world through play, THNDR continues to target emerging economies as they are the fastest growing market, and focuses on an easy and comfortable onboarding experience for bitcoin through its games.

This new game is targeting a wider female audience, as 63% of all women play mobile games. THNDR notes that over 80% of its users are new to bitcoin, and this platform is often their first experience of earning satoshis.

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1. The anti-globalist right has taken control of the Swedish parliament, which is a very good sign for individualism and decentralized governance.

2. Learning about bitcoin can be daunting. There are many great educators that teach through different lenses to make Bitcoin approachable for everyone.

3. World powers are fighting to influence policy in South America, but bitcoin prevents outside powers from exerting subversive pressure in the region.

4. Proof-of-work is the innovation that drives energy innovation. Proof-of-stake ensures the richest among us will continue their control over others.

5. Pierre Poilievre is poised to become Canada’s first Bitcoin-supporting prime minister.

6. Though altcoins use Bitcoin to gain people’s trust, they’re simply a reimagining of fiat incentive alignment.

Why Bitcoin Is Pristine Collateral For Lending
By Leon Wankum

Since 1971, after a series of economic measures enacted by Richard Nixon that established the end of the convertibility of the U.S. dollar into gold, the price of real estate has increased nearly 70x. Because of that, it now serves primarily as a store of value for institutions and those who are trying to beat monetary inflation, and many have turned to real estate to secure their wealth as a hedge against inflation and as collateral for lending capital.

However, the intrinsic characteristics of Bitcoin make it an even better option for the lending industry: 

  • The valuation of real estate is particularly time-consuming. Bitcoin, on the other hand, has a real-time market price that is accessible to everyone.
  • Bitcoin is easy to access, buy, store, use and maintain. It allows for much easier access to credit.
  • Proof of reserves is easier in Bitcoin than in real estate. It is digital and instant. 
  • A bitcoin sale can be done quickly if a borrower defaults. Selling real estate can take months. Unlike the stock market, bitcoin markets run 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Real estate is scarce, but not as scarce as Bitcoin. There will only be 21 million units of bitcoin.
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By Matt Odell 

The Ethereum proof-of-stake merge finally happened, and it seems that the holders are incentivized to stake their coins, or they will get diluted by the stakers.

But as of now, there are no withdrawals allowed if one makes the decision to stake — making it look an awful lot like a trap.

A "yield" trap.

With love, 

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