Mingling can help bond the generations | Project Purpose secures jobs for graduates | Charismatic leaders without character create toxic cultures
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June 17, 2024
SmartBrief on Workforce
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Mingling can help bond the generations
Labor lawyer Rick Grimaldi, inspired by Michael Smerconish's "Mingle Project," writes that mingling can bridge the generational gap in the workplace and that companies can provide ways for these casual interactions. Grimaldi tells about his law firm's annual retreat where employees of all ages had fun mingling and building relationship and everyone "left with a renewed energy and motivation and, in many instances, new projects and ideas."
Full Story: Smerconish (6/14) 
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Recruiting & Retention
Project Purpose, a nine-day workforce training program in Dalton Ga., celebrated its second annual job signing ceremony, helping 18 high school graduates secure full-time employment with local manufacturers. The program offered training in financial literacy, résumé writing, and personal and professional development.
Full Story: Yahoo (6/16) 
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Health & Wellness
AI robots named Pepper and Bernard are being trained at San Diego State University to recognize and respond to emotions to help people with mental health issues. Researchers say that the robots could alert clinicians to a looming mental health event in children with bipolar disorder, for example.
Full Story: KNSD-TV (San Diego) (6/13) 
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Benefits & Compensation
An International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans survey found about one-third of US employer health plans are covering GLP-1 drugs for weight loss and diabetes management, compared with about 26% last year. The portion of overall medical claims spending from employers for GLP-1 drugs for weight loss increased from 6.9% to 8.9% and about 57% of employers covered the medications for diabetes care only.
Full Story: Reuters (6/14) 
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The HR Leader
Employee burnout is a growing concern in today's demanding work culture, with frequently overlooked symptoms such as insomnia and emotional detachment. London Office Space's UK study recommends HR leaders monitor these issues and intervene early, encouraging employees to track sleep, reflect on emotional engagement, monitor energy levels, stay socially connected, and seek professional assistance.
Full Story: Human Resources Online (Singapore/Hong Kong) (6/13) 
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Editor's Note
SmartBrief will be closed Wednesday, June 19
In observance of Juneteenth in the US, SmartBrief will not publish Wednesday, June 19.
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
Girls were legally excluded from participation in Little League-sanctioned baseball games until a final ruling from a New Jersey Superior Court removed the gender clause in what year?
About the Editor
Kanoe Namahoe
Yesterday was my church’s annual Father’s Day picnic. After a short time of worship and teaching, we all relaxed around the park, eating and socializing. I was chatting with some of the gals about kids and school when my friend Cheryl came and plunked her chair next to mine. I gave her a big smile and settled in for a long catch up with her.
I love Cheryl; she is my closest friend at church. She is down-to-earth, sweet and kind. We have become very close over the last few months.
She is also several years older than me, but it’s not an issue with us. We bonded over the fun and challenges of parenting adult children. Many times we have called on each other to pray for our kids. When she sat down yesterday, she immediately asked about my daughter and a situation she knew we were wrestling with. I appreciate her thoughtfulness, wisdom and non-critical support. 
Bonding across the generations can yield excellent solid, productive relationships, as we see in today’s top story. I liked the story Rick Grimaldi told about his firm’s yearly retreat. It was good for the employees to mingle. Folks who had previously only known each other via Zoom screen got a chance to exchange ideas and build real camaraderie. Folks left the event feeling refreshed and armed with new projects and ideas.
What are you doing to nurture cross-generational relationships in your workplace? Are you hosting in-person events? How’s that going? Let me know! And if you enjoy this brief, tell others so they can benefit also.
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The game transcends many things. The players change, the style of play may change, but the respect that you learn in this game never changes.
Jerry West,
professional basketball player, executive
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