Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

Monday is a great day when you get to go back to work in the Bitcoin industry! 
📝 Today's Rundown
  • Mining Conference:  An event where top minds gathered to discuss bitcoin mining ...
  • Annuties: Revitalizing the poor value of annuities
  • Taproot: BitMEX adds Taproot support.
  • Bitcoin And Truckers: Showing support for the Freedom Convoy.


At Scott's Mining Conference, We Felt The Energy Of Bitcoin Mining
By Mike Hobart

Scott’s Mining Conference 2022 took place in Round Rock, Texas, on February 7th and 8th. In this event specifically for miners, the top minds in bitcoin mining gathered to share their experience of what’s working and what's not, so that anyone could learn from them and apply that knowledge themselves for a stronger and safer network. The event welcomed hundreds of miners from all around the world.

The event was hosted by Scott Offord, an ASIC miner salesman and bitcoin mining farm operations consultant. Featured speakers included many well known figures in the industry, such as Michael Saylor, Amanda Cavaleri, C.J. Wilson, Nathan Nichols, Mike Alfred, Jason Williams, Max Gagliardi, ASIC Master and Digital Shovel, among many others. This article shares some interesting highlights about the event.  

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Bitcoin And Annuities — How Can We Revitalize Their Poor Value?
By Bitcoinactuary

An annuity is essentially an amount of money paid to someone each year on a certain basis, and is frequently offered by insurance companies as a kind of protection against the risk of outliving your income. Hence, the cost of an annuity can be conceptualized as the cost of retirement. Annuity providers invest the up front money into government bonds to derive a risk free return before they have to pay out the income to you each year.

Mostly because government bond yields have fallen hugely, this kind of financial services becomes every day less and less popular among traditional investors as their price has been increasing over time while their returns do the opposite. In this article, the author discusses how an asset with 0% inflation, like bitcoin, could easily replace government bonds in the annuities industry so that they become cost-effective again. However, this could be far into the future as today's volatility could be counterproductive.

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1. State Rep. Christofanelli said he wants to create greater economic and political freedom in Missouri.

2. Drake, the award-winning rapper bets $1.3 million worth of bitcoin on the Los Angeles Rams and its wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr.

3. Bitcoin Miner Merkle partners with Bitmain for 500 MW farm to host 150,000 mining rigs.

4. Using Blockstream Satellite, this guide demonstrates how to mine bitcoin by yourself without placing trust in a pool.

5. What is the current setting of nation-state monetary dependency, and where could Bitcoin take us?

6. Fed Watch: Discussing the latest central bank news, emerging financial risks in Europe, Japanese inflation and more.

7. We look to be headed toward a trend of increased BTC holder accumulation following a local bitcoin price top.

8. Show your support and style with this awesome trucker hat, with all proceeds going directly to the support Canada's "Freedom Convoy"


BitMEX Adds Bitcoin Taproot Support
By Namcios

Cryptocurrency trading platform BitMEX has introduced support for Taproot addresses. The soft fork upgrade which was activated last November is an improvement on privacy and the efficiency of transactions while increasing the flexibility of Bitcoin's scripting capabilities. 

From now on users can now make use of Taproot addresses to send and withdraw from the exchange while paying lower fees. BitMEX took a step in the right direction by enabling the latest functionalities of the Bitcoin network, as most of the new possibilities unlocked by Taproot can only be experienced once a considerable part of the current network begins using the upgrade.

“As of today, BitMEX supports withdrawals to Bech32m Bitcoin addresses. The first BitMEX client withdrawal to such an address occurred earlier today.” - BitMEX statement.

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By Bitcoin Magazine Store

The fight for freedom continues — and to display support, Bitcoin Magazine announced these beautiful hats. 100% of the profits will be donated to the Bitcoin for Truckers fundraising campaign.

There are now almost 22 bitcoin raised for the freedom movement, as banks start freezing accounts which had received fiat money for funding the protest.

Bitcoin is showing the mainstream media that it is the only way of having economic freedom, and it is needed in this world.

With love,

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