You may have seen an article making the rounds a few days ago about a church trying to attract more young people. The headline implied that older members would be actively pushed out in order to appeal to a younger demographic. Many people, understandably, found this disturbing and threw out accusations of age discrimination. Well, it turns out the story is less dramatic than it first appeared—but also more representative of the difficult decisions churches around the country are making as their congregations slowly shrink.
Is your church struggling to balance the needs of senior congregants and younger worshipers? We have a few resources to help you out. First, check out Ministry to Senior Adults to help train your church in healthy ministry to the often-overlooked demographic. And for those concered about a stagnant or shrinking congregation—or one simply lacking energy—check out Injecting New Life into Your Congregation. It will help you give your church the motivational jumpstart it needs.