December 15, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

Ready for more promises about a litlte property in remotest Canada, with billions of dollars of hidden value and a way to stop the world from famine?  That's the promise from Luke Burgess in ads for his Junior Mining Trader, which teases potential gains of 16,335% from a new phosphate mine... so what's the story, and what's the secret stock?  Just click below to...

Like any other investor, I try to buy low and sell high... but the BIG difference with me is that I buy just one kind of stock. They sell a product that 152 million customers are virtually addicted to. And the kicker is: they are the only type of stocks mandated by law to make a profit.


We were buried by questions about Whitney Tilson's "Netstake" pitch over the weekend, so that was the focus yesteroday -- Tilson is actually teasing a pick by his colleague Enrique Abeyta, and it's all about what he says is the "Netflix of Sports Betting"... Thinkolator results here.

The most-requested piece last week was our piece on Stansberry's "10X" driverless car stock, just click here for that story.

We also got a teaser pitch about an oil stock, somewhat of a rare thing these days -- StreetAuthority is pitching the "mother of all oil booms" and hints at one "sure shot" play, just click here for my take.

And Doc Gumshoe popped in with another updated look at COVID-19, with some thoughts about vaccinations, herd immunity, and new therapies in the hopper.  That piece is here.

For our Irregulars, I moved the $100K Lock Box Portfolio to its own page for the first time last week, and published a new Halftime Report about that portfolio and the ten stocks that so far live there.  I also did a bit of buying and selling among some of the pandemic darlings who have fallen on hard times, detailed in the Friday File -- if you missed that article, just click below for the full story...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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