MPR News UpdatePM edition
Shopping for a Mother's Day gift can be tricky, but you can narrow down your choices, and support local businesses, by choosing to shop for Minnesota-made and Minnesota-based products. Your proud Minnesotan mother will thank you. | Forecast | NewsCut | Updraft
Mississippi River paddlers attempt to break record
Three paddlers set off from the Mississippi River headwaters Thursday morning, canoe pointed Gulfward. They're hoping to make it to the mouth of the river in a little more than two weeks - and break the existing world record.
Former St. Paul mayor Coleman to lead Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Former St. Paul mayor Chris Coleman will be the new CEO at Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. Coleman takes over as president and CEO on June 2, starting his new job halfway through the nonprofit's Impact 2020 initiative, which is aimed at doubling homeownership efforts by Habitat.
Hands-free cell phone bill moving in House but still stalled in Senate
A bill that would require drivers who use cell phones to use only hands-free devices is headed to the House floor after it won approval in the House Ways and Means committee Thursday, but it is still stalled in the state Senate.
Winona Co. sand mining ban unconstitutional, firm tells appeals court
Winona County and a mining company squared off Thursday before the Minnesota Court of Appeals over sand. Not just any sand, but a silica mineral variety with very hard and round grains, perfectly suited for the petroleum industry for hydraulic fracturing operations, also known as "fracking."
Tribal members to net, spear on Lake Bemidji in latest treaty protest
Tribal members from the White Earth and Leech Lake reservations plan to go out on Lake Bemidji Friday with spears and gill nets, hoping to force Minnesota to recognize fishing rights they believe were guaranteed by a treaty signed more than 150 years ago.
'A rich and full life': Cyclist killed in bus crash was avid outdoorsman
Alan Grahn, 75, was an avid climber, hiker and cyclist. He had owned and operated an upholstery business in Minneapolis for decades and recently retired, in part, to spend more time with his grandsons.
His son, Andy Grahn, said Alan Grahn was cycling back to his Minneapolis home after lunch with friends at Dixie's in St. Paul Wednesday when he was struck and killed by a school bus leaving Ramsey Middle School. Alan Grahn died at the scene, at Snelling and Summit avenues, shortly after 2 p.m. | NewsCut: When a bicyclist dies
St. Paul schools may drop opposition to holiday observances
Currently, the policy says schools "shall discourage programs and festivities arranged to celebrate holidays and other special days, and shall strive to eliminate them, except where such observances are required by law."
Summit is set: Trump-Kim to meet June 12 in Singapore
President Donald Trump will meet with North Korea's Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12, Trump announced Thursday, hours after suggesting that the release of three Americans held in the North heralded a potential breakthrough toward denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.
Burberry aims lawsuit at Target for ripping off signature plaid
The complaint from Burberry, the British luxury apparel company known for its distinctive check pattern accused Target of putting the design on luggage, scarves and other products without permission. The company charged Target with "egregious misappropriation of Burberry's famous and iconic luxury check trademarks."
Minnesota teachers share stories of the teachers who energized them
Every teacher started as a student. And, like every student, they found teachers who inspired them.In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week this week, MPR News asked some of Minnesota's best teachers about the teachers who inspired them. Here's what they said.
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