Plus, Lindsay Graham’s proposed abortion ban, and more…
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September 15, 2022


Mitch McConnell’s Refusal to Seat Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court Is Coming Back to Haunt Him
The right-wing court’s abortion decision could cost the Republicans the Senate—and thus deny McConnell another term as majority leader.
by Walter Shapiro
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The South Carolina senator’s proposed ban can’t be squared with either the medical consensus or the lives of those who most often have to seek the procedure late in their pregnancies.
by Grace Segers
Republicans have been running circles around Democrats for decades. But finally the right has handed them a potent weapon. Will they recognize it and use it?
by Michael Sokolove
Here’s the takeaway: Far from leaving it up to the states, the Republican Party will move swiftly to act unilaterally if it retakes power.
by Alex Shephard
Fortuna and virtù are keys to success.
by Win McCormack
How much complexity is lost in a sentence no longer than six words?
by Colin Dickey


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