In this issue, October 11, 2022 View it in your browser.

TensorStore, ML in Prod, Platform Engineering, Cloudflare Workerd, API Standardization, Spring Boot 3, .NET & JS Interop, Meta WebView, Shopify’s Architecture, Amazon Workspaces Ubuntu, Agile Games, Lyft’s Dev Monolith

Last chance to get clarity on emerging tech at QCon San Francisco Oct 24-28.

Final opportunity to join over 1000 senior software engineers, architects, and team leads from early-adopter companies including; Vinted, Walmart, Kurt Geiger, Netflix, Google, Apple, Shazam, Gucci, NASA, Mastercard and more. Level-up with actionable takeaways and get up-to-speed on the latest trends. Don't miss the chance to save your spot now!



Top 10 Innovations in the NoSQL Cassandra Ecosystem

Get the inside scoop on how Cassandra 4.1 adds exciting new features for operators & improves the security posture, without compromising the stability achieved in 4.0. Get insights about projects actually in progress to make Cassandra more easy to use (Stargate) but also to deploy (K8ssandra). Live Webinar, Oct 18th, 2022 - Save your Seat.

The InfoQ eMag: Modern Data Architectures, Pipelines, & Streams

In this eMag on “Modern Data Architectures, Pipelines and Streams”, you’ll find up-to-date case studies and real-world data architectures from technology SME’s and leading data practitioners in the industry. (eMag)

Frederic Branczyk on Continuous Profiling Leveraging eBPF

Wes Reisz and Frederic Branczyk discuss the origin story of Polar Signals, eBPF (the enabling technology used by Polar Signals), Parca (the open-source system they built to collect continuous profiling data), and more, including things like FrostDB and why profiling data complements what we already have with our current observability stacks.(Podcast)

VR Environments for Collaborative Software Development

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Jonathan Schneider and the development team from Moderne about their experiences using an immersive VR environment for collaborative software development. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Confluent Introduces Stream Governance Advanced to Safely Extend Data Streaming Power

  2. Google AI Introduces TensorStore, a High-Performance Open-Source Library for Array Storage

  3. Transformers Can Mock Part of Human Brain

  4. OpenAI Releases 1.6 Billion Parameter Multilingual Speech Recognition AI Whisper

  5. Confluent Ships Stream Designer Democratizing Data Streams

What You Should Know before Deploying ML in Production

Francesca Lazzeri shares an overview of the most popular MLOps tools and best practices, and presents a set of tips and tricks useful before deploying a solution in production. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!

GraphQL Caching on the Edge

Max Stoiber discusses why and how to edge cache production GraphQL APIs at scale. (Presentation with transcript included)



7 Reasons Not to Put an External Cache in Front of Your Database

Read this white paper to learn common approaches to caching data, 7 specific reasons why external caching can be a bad choice, real-world examples of successfully eliminating external cache by companies such as Comcast, and more. Download now.


  1. Platform Engineering, DevOps, and Cognitive Load: a Summary of Community Discussions

  2. Google Distroless Images Achieve SLSA Level 2

  3. MIT Technology Review Insights Survey on Zero Trust in Cybersecurity

  4. Google 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps Report Finds Strong Culture Predictive of Strong Performance

Building an Effective Incident Management Process

A good incident management framework can help organizations manage the chaos of an outage more effectively leading to shorter incident durations and tighter feedback loops. This article introduces the components necessary for a healthy incident management process. (Article)


Cockroach Labs

Database migrations just got a whole lot easier

Join us for an in-depth introduction to CockroachDB MOLT, our newly released toolset designed to dramatically simplify and accelerate migrations. Register now to join live on Thursday, Oct 13, 2022 at 10am PT / 1pm PT.


  1. Cloudflare Previews Globally Distributed Queues without Egress Fees

  2. Fitbit Health Solution and Google Cloud Introduce Device Connect for Fitbit

  3. Cloudflare Open-Source Workerd Nanoservice Runtime Now in Beta

  4. Cloudflare Previews Serverless Database D1 Adding Transactions

Amazon File Cache Now Generally Available

Amazon recently announced the general availability of File Cache, a managed high-speed cache for processing file data stored in disparate locations. The new service can be linked to multiple sources including on premises network file systems and managed AWS services like Amazon FSx or S3. (News)



Building an internal developer platform?

Check out Platform Weekly for the best platform engineering insights, resources, and news delivered straight to your inbox every week. 🥐 Subscribe here.

AWS Introduces Amazon Workspaces Core and Support for Ubuntu Desktops on Amazon Workspaces

AWS recently introduced a new addition to Amazon Workspaces with a fully-managed, infrastructure-only Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offering called Amazon Workspaces Core. In addition, customers can provision Ubuntu desktops on Amazon Workspaces for their developers, engineers, or data scientists. (News)


Code Climate

The Fundamentals of Engineering Metrics [eBook]

Engineering leaders often rely on gut feel to gauge how their team is doing. Learn how software engineering metrics can help you ensure development and business goals are on track in your organization. Read now.


  1. Java News Roundup: BellSoft Introduces Alpaquita Linux, GlassFish, WildFly, Hibernate, Tomcat

Spring Boot 3 Ships November 2022, Delays Java Module Support

At the 2022 JAX London conference, Spring Developer Advocate Oliver Drotbohm shared the projected release dates for Spring Framework 6 & Spring Boot 3: the end of November 2022. He also pointed out that the new Spring Boot Migrator can migrate a Spring Boot 2.7 application to version 3.0. He later confirmed that full Java Module support won’t arrive in Spring Framework 6.0 but may come later. (News)


Monte Carlo

Data Mesh 101: How to Get Started

Nowadays, it seems like every data person falls into two camps: those who understand the data mesh and those who don’t. Access this free guide and learn how not to mesh it up.


  1. .NET MAUI Community Kit 1.3 Released

  2. New JavaScript Interop Improvements in .NET 7 RC 1

Microsoft Claims Reduction in Cloud Cost from Migrating Internal Services to .NET 6

Microsoft has migrated several internal services running on the Azure cloud from .NET Framework to .NET 6, which the company claims has reduced the cost of cloud infrastructure by 29%, while simultaneously increasing performance and latency reduction by up to 50%. (News)

Meta Launches New Chromium-Based WebView for Android

Meta has been developing its own Chromium-based WebView for Android for a few years and has now started rolling it out to users of its Facebook app. The new WebView, which has not been open-sourced yet, improves security, stability, and performance, says Meta. (News)

Shift Left Approach for API Standardization

Descriptions about API standardization using common tools like OpenAPI and Zally, to simplify re-use across microservices between teams. Reviews against best practices such as an API stylebook and guidelines from Microsoft and Google. (Article)

Shopify’s Architecture to Handle the World’s Biggest Flash Sales

Bart de Water walks through how Shopify works under the hood, diving into their multi-tenant architecture that allows them to prevent failures and prepare for a multi-flash sale event: Black Friday. (Presentation with transcript included)



Which Is Best for IAM: Build, Open Source, or Buy?

Which option is best for solving IAM and API security challenges: building in-house, using open-source software, or buying a solution? We share key considerations for each approach. Read Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Reliable Continuous Testing Requires Automation

How to Adapt to the New World of Work

In order to provide employees with the flexibility to work where they want while also maintaining a strong culture of belonging and connection, tech leaders need to talk to the C-Suite and their HR departments about leveraging technology tools that have been proven to boost engagement and employee retention. (Article)

Accessing Agile Games as a Tool in Transformation and Change

This article puts the usage of Agile Games into a broader business context and introduces the steps needed to make any game a verifiable contribution to a given business objective. As “business” is a wide area of topics to be addressed, the article focuses on accessing Agile Games as a tool used within transformation and change. It provides an example that was taken from this area. (Article)

Breaking up Lyft’s Development Monolith

Jake Kaufman discusses how they use request context propagation to enable developers to safely share their staging environment. (Presentation with transcript included)

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