In this issue, June 7, 2022 View it in your browser.

ML in Production, GitHub Enterprise 3.5, AWS DataSync, CNCF Project Update, Microsoft Dev Box, Java Structured Concurrency, Kotlin 1.7, Lyft Experiments, Words Mattere, Pipedrive Unfixed

QCon San Francisco (Oct 24-28): Maximize insights from the world’s most innovative senior software engineers across multiple domains.

Ask any technical leader and they will say that it is always important to catch up on the new software trends and skills most in-demand in the industry. And it is especially valuable to learn actionable insights from those working on real-world projects. QCon San Francisco (Oct 24-28), brings together the world's most innovative professionals to share their real-world implementation of emerging trends and practices. Register Now!



Get started with serverless

If, like many developers, you're excited by the prospect of no longer needing to babysit infrastructure when you'd rather be coding — this free O'Reilly book on Google Cloud Run might be for you.

Handling High Demand Ticket On-Sales with Anderson Parra and Vitor Pellegrino

Live from the venue of the QCon London Conference we are talking with Vitor Pellegrino and Anderson Parra. They will talk about how SeatGeek is handing ticket on-sales where a large amount of users use their service in a short time, and which engineering challenges this brings. (Podcast)

Joy of Agility with Joshua Kerievsky

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Joshua Kerievsky about his keynote at the Agile 2022 conference in July and his forthcoming book Joy of Agility. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google Introduces New AI Features in Workspace

  2. Allen Institute for AI Open-Sources AI Model Inspection Tool LM-Debugger

ML Panel: "ML in Production - What's Next?"

The panelists discuss lessons learned with putting ML systems into production, what is working and what is not working, building ML teams, dealing with large datasets, governance and ethics/privacy. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning: Attend QCon San Francisco Software Development (Oct 24-28).
What are the major trends that matter right now in software development and technical leadership? Uncover emerging software trends and practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches. Save your spot now!



Cassandra: The Definitive Guide (By O'Reilly)

In this third edition - updated for Cassandra 4.0 and K8ssandra - you'll learn about Cassandra's distributed and decentralized structure, create a working data model and compare it with a relational model, develop sample applications using client drivers for languages including Java, Python, and Node.js, and more. Download now.


  1. AWS DataSync Supports Moving Data between AWS, Google Cloud and Azure

  2. AWS Introduces PowerShell Custom Runtime for Lambda

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.5 Improves Security, Updates GitHub Actions, and More

The latest release of GitHub Enterprise Server brings many new features with a special emphasis on security and compliance, says GitHub, including Dependabot integration, improved security features, updates to GitHub Actions, and more. (News)


Palo Alto

The DevSecGuide to Infrastructure as Code

DevSecOps has paved the way for teams to automate security and embed it into the DevOps lifecycle. In this guide, we’ll explore the challenges of leveraging DevSecOps to secure the cloud and how infrastructure as code makes it all possible. Download now.


  1. Microsoft Launches the Public Preview of NGINX for Azure as a SaaS Solution in Their Marketplace

  2. CNCF Incubating Project Update Focuses on Adoption and Releases at KubeCon EU

  3. CNCF Graduated Project Update Focuses on Landscape Diversity and Maturity at KubeCon EU

  4. Microsoft Releases a New Power Platform Product with Power Pages in Preview

Microsoft Introduces "Dev Box" Service as a Cloud-Based IDE for Developers

During the recent Build conference, Microsoft announced Microsoft Dev Box. This new cloud service provides developers with secure, ready-to-code developer workstations for hybrid teams of any size. With the new service, the company aims to make life easier for developers to quickly access a preconfigured environment with all the tools and resources to write code. (News)



[Webinar] How to deliver realtime data at speed & at scale

Discover how Genius Sports built a high availability realtime data streaming system that delivers the freshest data to sports fans all over the world.
Register now.


  1. JEP 428: Structured Concurrency to Simplify Java Multithreaded Programming

  2. Kotlin 1.7.0 Beta Enables Definitely Non-Nullable Types

  3. Java News Roundup: Structured Concurrency, Java Turns 27, Micronaut 3.5.0

Standardizing Native Java: Aligning GraalVM and OpenJDK

Native Java is essential for Java to remain relevant in the evolving cloud world. But it is not a solved problem yet. And the development lifecycle needs to adapt as well. Standardization through Project Leyden is key to the success of native Java. Native Java needs to be brought into OpenJDK to enable co-evolution with other ongoing enhancements. (Article)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. QCon San Francisco: Tracks Announced Including Green Tech, Microservices, API, MLOps and More

  2. How Lyft Is Improving Their Experiments beyond A/B Testing

A Standardized, Specification-Driven API Lifecycle

Kin Lane discusses API specifications like OpenAPI and AsyncAPI, and how they have emerged as the way API producers and consumers are engaging across the entire API lifecycle. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Words Matter in Documentation to Build Better User Experience

Pipedrive Agile Framework: How a Unicorn Company Customized Agile Processes to Scale

Pipedrive would not have become a unicorn company by using a standard off-the-shelf agile framework. Instead, the company created its own framework. It makes a distinction between Mission Teams versus Launchpads and relies heavily on dynamic reteaming. In Pipedrive's Agile Framework, the product managers pitch new ideas and software engineers volunteer to lead their Mission Teams. (Article)



The State of Testing in DevOps

Understand the current state of DevOps adoption, how your peers are removing testing bottlenecks, and the evolving role of quality in development. Download the report.

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