In this issue, November 23, 2021 View it in your browser.

ML in Production, K8s Cluster API, AWS Resilience Hub, Low Code Metrics, GitHub Octoverse, Java Releases, Dapr Joins CNCF, API Mocking, Cognitive Biases, Leading with Empathy

QCon London 2022 (April 4-6): Preliminary tracks announced including modern data pipelines, ML, Cloud, event-based architectures and more.

What are the essential topics that matter in software development? QCon London will feature 15 technical tracks and 75 technical talks curated by software leaders including: Next Generation Microservices, Cloud Operating Models, MLOps, Event-Based Architectures, Modern JVM Innovations, Remote Teams and more. Explore the tracks and save £275 if you register before December 6th.



The Ultimate Guide to Cardinality for Observability

This guide will help you understand what cardinality is, as well as how to work with--and around--the limitations of high-cardinality observability data. Download now.

The InfoQ eMag - DevSecOps: Shifting Left in Practice

There are two aspects that make cybersecurity a difficult problem. The first is that security is broad enough to permeate everything from technology to culture. The second is that while developer productivity and IT operations have improved, security has stayed relatively stagnant with the likelihood of a severe vulnerability in 2021 about the same as it was in 2016. (eMag)

The Angular Mini-Book

The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy. (Mini-book)

Event-Driven Architectures of Scale

Wes Reisz, Matthew Clark, Gwen Shapira, and Ian Thomas discuss the evolution of event-driven architectures over the decades, the advantages that EDA offers, and thoughts for the future. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Facebook Develops New AI Model That Can Anticipate Future Actions

  2. Roland Meertens on the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Zero Shot Learning

  3. Francesca Lazzeri on What You Should Know before Deploying ML in Production

  4. AWS Announces the Availability of EC2 Instances (G5) with NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPUs

From Batch to Streams: Building Value from Data In-Motion

Ricardo Ferreira discusses the risks of designing siloed-based systems and how streaming data architectures can become a solution to address competitiveness. (Presentation with transcript included)
Find out what should be on your radar from world-class domain experts. Discover emerging software trends and innovations. Save your place at QCon London, April 4-6, 2022.



Redis Microservices for Dummies

This eBook will help you understand the fundamentals of a microservices architecture, learn how to use Redis for messaging, storage, and caching, and design interservice communications while building new services. Download now.


  1. EDB Announces General Availability of a PostgreSQL Database in the Cloud: BigAnimal

  2. Kubernetes Cluster API v1.0, Production Ready

  3. Pulumi Announces AWS Native Provider

  4. Amazon CloudFront Supports Configurable CORS and Custom HTTP Response Headers

  5. Amazon Introduces AWS Resilience Hub to Monitor and Improve RPO and RTO

Reducing Cloud Infrastructure Complexity

Cloud computing adoption has taken the world by storm and is accelerating unabated. According to Flexera’s annual State of the Cloud Report for 2020, 93% of respondents used multi or hybrid cloud strategies. This article examines different aspects of cloud infrastructure complexity and approaches to mitigate it. (Article)

Faster Financial Software Development Using Low Code: Focusing on the Four Key Metrics

Low code/no code can help firms achieve the four key performance metrics described in the State of DevOps Reports and Accelerate, to achieve a faster pace of software development. Financial services especially stand to benefit from the trend of adopting low code/no code to drive digital transformation. (Article)



Get the Most Out of Kubernetes with NGINX

Learn about the latest Kubernetes (K8s) trends and how NGINX solves common challenges to securing applications in K8s. Learn why and where to duplicate application services, such as load balancers and WAF, how to use NGINX Ingress Controller, and more. Watch Now [On-Demand Webinar].


  1. Pants Build System Adds Support for Java, Scala, and Go

GitHub State of the Octoverse 2021 Highlights Trends and Predicts Good Practices

GitHub's latest State of the Octoverse research highlighted three major trends towards writing and shipping code faster, creating documentation, and supporting developer communities. It also includes three predictive models to help organizations identify what they can action to achieve success. (News)



Looking Back to the Future: 5 Process Automation Trends in 2022

Low code, pro code, and cloud. Camunda's upcoming webinar focuses on these and other process automation trends in the coming year. Find out what the future holds. REGISTER NOW.


  1. Java News Roundup: JDK 18 Release Schedule, Spring Data 2021.1.0, Apple Open-Sources GCGC

Keeping Pace with Java

Marc Hoffmann attempts to answer what are the important aspects of the new Java release schedule and what a pragmatic and sustainable update strategy looks like. (Presentation with transcript included)



GraphQL at Enterprise Scale

Learn how to scale GraphQL company-wide with a principled approach to designing a federated graph. Download e-book now.

Microsoft Edge for Linux Now Stable

After one year in preview, Edge for Linux has recently become stable, aiming to provide an alternative to Chrome and Firefox and support to legacy Web apps. (News)


Request a Gloo API Infrastructure Platform Demo

Request a personalized demo of the Gloo API infrastructure platform to see how it provides secure, modern service connectivity from the edge to service mesh. Submit here.

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Dapr Joins CNCF Incubator: Q&A with Yaron Schneider

Using API-First Development and API Mocking to Break Critical Path Dependencies

Teams are using API mocking to break critical path dependencies and enable what were serial execution sequences into parallel paths. This article looks at where mocks should be used for the greatest impact and provides a model to estimate the effect of implementing API mocking and an API-first approach. (Article)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Dealing with Cognitive Biases in Software Development

Leading with Empathy

Empathy has emerged as a panacea to combat the anguish and suffering of the global pandemic of COVID-19 and its impact. Leading with empathy is needed. As organizations embrace a hybrid working model, they have to rethink and reimagine four critical areas: execution, collaboration, communication, and enablement. Empathy should be a core tenet of organizational culture. (Article)

Solutions for Testing Blockchain: Private Blockchains, Permutations, and Shifting Left

Blockchain is an emerging software architecture that has the potential to be a big disruptor in the industry. With change, however, comes the added risk of quality issues. As developers and test engineers, we need to be prepared for those changes to better adapt to the new technology and allow for the continued development of software and products through it, without compromising on quality. (Article)

Business and Technical Agility with Team Topologies

Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais explore how the patterns and principles from Team Topologies promote true business and technical agility. (Presentation with transcript included)


Latest White Papers

How To Securely Uncover and Resolve Network Errors, Fast

[eBook] The Foundations of Enterprise Observability



Learn everything you need to know about saving time and delivering higher quality software with test automation. Learn more