Andrea Di Pastena Email
Arlette Sijmonsma Email
Annet Breure Email
Mark Passerini, Executive Vice President of Operation of Mission Dispensaries
“Across all of our facilities, we get the same amount of flowers both in terms of quality and quantity"
New hydroponic plant pot showcased
40 years of Svensson Climate Screens
"Here because of you"
Building work set to start on Scotland's first legal cannabis farm
US (IL): Cresco Labs expands into Florida through acquisition
US (NM): Motion filed to enforce plant count lawsuit
US (MD): Cannabis workers eligible for Coronavirus vaccine
Louis Brun, president and CEO of Sollum Technologies:
"Being able to produce peppers during the winter really piques the imagination"
US: USDA announces grant to collect 'superior performing' hemp seeds
Helius Therapeutics
NZ: Grower raises $15M and introduces new CEO
US (MA); Cannabis testing lab shut down for operating without a license
US (CO): Surna signs contract for 53,000 sq. ft. facility
Today on Social Media
AU: Grower commences manufacturing of cannabis oil
US (MA): Cultivation facility to utilize natural gas chillers
New in-line fertilizer injection and irrigation unit showcased
Dutch companies set up joint venture for insect counts on plants
The best example of taking things with humor