Andrea Di Pastena Email
Arlette Sijmonsma Email
Annet Breure Email
Scouring the world for cannabis genetics
LS: Central Bank of Lesotho gives green light to proceed with acquisition of Bophelo
Cannsun Medhel
ZA: Cannsun Medhel strengthens its board and creates a women's health division
SpeakEasy Cannabis Club
Marc Green, founder of SpeakEasy Cannabis Club
“Hard work and long hours will help us to reap the rewards of what is set to be an incredible harvest."
TH: Public Health Ministry signs MOU on medical cannabis project
US (OH): "Demand is outstripping supply"
Israel overtakes Germany as largest importer of medicinal cannabis flower
LED growth light company Valoya:
Built on the curiosity to explore the possibilities of light
US (CA): Court rules Humboldt cannabis growers can't be sentenced under federal law as drug dealers
Understanding growth light terms
US (PA): 65,000 sq. ft. MMJ facility to open in Perry County
US (MA): Cannabis cultivation plan to go before Salisbury Planning Board
US (CA): State creates "first of its kind" cannabis appellation program
US (OH): Growers are growing state's first legal hemp crop and learning how to do it as they go
Today on Social Media
Jordan Miles
CAN (QC): Implementation agreement of Peat and Substrate Cluster signed
BioTherm celebrates 40th anniversary
US (MD): Black-owned businesses fighting to get Maryland medical cannabis licenses
GE Current and Royal Brinkman enter exclusive partnership in the UK
Par King!