Andrea Di Pastena Email
Arlette Sijmonsma Email
Annet Breure Email
NL: Dutch experiment on cannabis supply chain to kick off application process
UK: JMCC launches scientific division to produce cannabis-based medicines for the global market
Israel: Collaboration to develop cannabis cultivars to target cancer
US (TX): Cannabis cultivation spinoff merger with NCM Biotech
Innovative Industrial Properties
US (PA): Acquisition of Pennsylvania-based property closed
Cannabis industry generates 150M tons of waste annually
CR: Cannabis legal loopholes create unnecessary troublesome issues
Even before the first harvest, this Brazilian greenhouse is already unique
US (CO): Social equity businesses would be defined under new bill
Cannabis Center Career Institute
Cannabis Career Institute to launch new online training initiative
US (CA): Santa Barbara County cannabis tax revenues will exceed sales taxes
Viruses in irrigation water
Today on Social Media
R. W. Navis
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Use of glass ceramics in greenhouse lamps facilitate plants' growth
Jan Vrins, Bilancia, starts writing basic horticulture courses again:
"The amount of experienced growers abroad does not keep pace with new projects"
Growers positive about grow light system payback period
Fun stuff