Andrea Di Pastena Email
Arlette Sijmonsma Email
Annet Breure Email
“When we enter into a cannabis cultivation facility, it seems like science fiction"
MX: Supreme Court of Justice grants forth extension to enact cannabis legalization reform
US (NV): "We help tribes in the post-license phase, from developing products to packaging and promotions”
CAN (AB): Stigma Grow secures cannabis 2.0 sales licenses from Health Canada
US (SC): Lawmakers will push to legalize medical cannabis in 2021
US (OK): OKCFD shuts down medical cannabis lab as OMMA investigates
Ana Cristina Garcia, Plantlogic
"Pyramid base of our pots ensures airflow to the roots and drains water at the edges"
US (CA): Cannabis tax revenue are going high
US (CA): Banning approves one cannabis facility, denies another
US (FL): ZA Group acquires majority stake in manufacturer of indoor cannabis products
Today on Social Media
Breakwater Treatment and Wellness
US (PA): 36 year old cannabis trimmer recounts his job
Trial and error