“Research is the time to make mistakes and learn from them" ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

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ElviraElvira Oosterbaan

AndreaAndrea Di Pastena

ArletteArlette Sijmonsma

EelkjeEelkje Pulley

PriscillaPriscilla Heeffer

AnnetAnnet Breure


Sales Manager, US

Head Grower Strawberries, Australia

Head Grower Strawberries, Norway

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International Citrus Account Manager

MJ-Tech's cannabis research at Cultivation for Compounds:

“Research is the time to make mistakes and learn from them"

Is it possible to use fogging as a technique to create a stronger cannabis plant while maintaining a consistent yield year-round? That is one of the…

© Teresa Virbickis | Dreamstime.com

US (GA): State to allow pharmacies to sell MMJ

Georgia will soon become the first state in the nation to offer MMJ products at independent pharmacies, state officials said. The Georgia Board of…

US (CA): "This approval gives growers more options for controlling plant pathogens"

California's Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has approved the use of ZeroTol 2.0 for foliar sprays on cannabis. ZeroTol 2.0's peroxyacetic…

© | Dreamstime.com

US (CA): Sacramento-based cannabis campus closed by officials

The city of Sacramento has temporarily shut down a large cannabis manufacturing facility, swiftly prompting an explosive council meeting and a lawsuit.…

Headlines from

“Spanish growers focus on producing a low-cost product, but investments could result in better results”

The journey of the Spanish greenhouse industry, especially in the realm of tomato cultivation, is a dance between conventional methodologies and…

No algae to be seen on the table

When growing on tables, you often run into a problem when watering: the water comes in so fast that the plants at the beginning of the table, at the inlay, are overwhelmed, as…

© Jerry Coli | Dreamstime.com

Thailand: What the new coalition govt. could mean for the cannabis market

More than a year after Thailand legalized the recreational use of cannabis, the country’s new prime minister plans to roll back that law in an attempt…

© Viktar Lameika | Dreamstime.com

US (MO): Companies can now work with state to destroy recalled products

Companies around Missouri have been required to store nearly 63,000 recalled cannabis products since early August. But if they want to destroy that…

© BiancoBlue | Dreamstime.com

US (OK): Thousands of untagged plants unearthed by inspectors

The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) made two arrests after an inspection at a licensed grow facility revealed thousands of untagged…

Today on Social Media

Koppert Canada Limited

Have you ever noticed cannabis aphid eggs indoors at your facility? The life cycle of a cannabis aphid indoors will normally just involve asexual reproduction (females that…

© Me Picture Akacin | Dreamstime.com

US (MI): Tours of cannabis companies show the behind-the-scene of local industry

A growing number of adult-use cannabis businesses in Michigan, from outdoor cannabis farms to micro businesses, are providing tours to interested…

Benefits of a quality tissue lab

In the world of horticulture, lab tissue culture is a remarkable technique used for growing plants in a controlled environment. It's like a plant nursery in a lab, ensuring…

© Toa555 | Dreamstime.com

Standard method performance requirements for the identification of pesticide residues in dried cannabis materials

Intended Use: Consensus-Based Reference Method 1 Purpose AOAC SMPRs describe the minimum recommended performance characteristics to be used during the…

International photo report Fruit Attraction 2023

Fruit Attraction is over for another year, and FreshPlaza has been busy making our photo report of the event. With around 2,000 exhibitors from 56…

A true conundrum

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