"We thought we would breeze into the cannabis space, but that was not the case" ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Any News?
If you want to share your company news with the entire horticulture industry, please send us a press release or contact our editorial staff. We will publish your news free of charge.

ElviraElvira Oosterbaan

AndreaAndrea Di Pastena

ArletteArlette Sijmonsma

EelkjeEelkje Pulley

PriscillaPriscilla Heeffer

AnnetAnnet Breure


Head Grower Strawberries, Norway

Export Trade Manager

International Citrus Account Manager

Field Sales Representative Peru

Pipp Horticulture:

"We thought we would breeze into the cannabis space, but that was not the case"

"We thought we would breeze into the cannabis space, take direction from growers, and roll with the flow." But that wasn't exactly the case for Pipp…

René Polak, Ushio:

“We’re ready to be the ‘last man standing’ in Europe’s HPS production"

Amidst a shifting industry landscape, where more and more suppliers are stepping back from the realm of HPS lamps for horticulture, Ushio remains…

© Viktar Lameika | Dreamstime.com

US (NY): Big cannabis making their play amid state's stalled retail launch

If, as expected, the state’s cannabis regulatory agency passes a proposed set of permanent rules for the industry, any of the 11 medical companies that…

© Sararmas | Dreamstime.com

US (MO): Regulators not sure if recalled products pose health risks

Cannabis dispensaries and warehouses across Missouri are holding on to more than 62,000 products in special vaults. The state suspects that they were…

© Kostyantine Pankin | Dreamstime.com

US (AL): License awardees getting nervous as legal saga drags on

In June, a number of businessmen and women were awarded a limited number of medical cannabis licenses by the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission…

Paul Pedersen departs from his role as Chief Executive Officer and President at Nextleaf

Nextleaf's Board of Directors has announced the departure of Paul Pedersen from his role as Chief Executive Officer and President, effective September…

Headlines from

Jan Will, a gardener from Albertshofen, offers organic potted herbs:

"We estimate that sales are down 10 to 20 percent"

Herbs such as basil, parsley, chives, mint, thyme, rosemary, and sage continue to be very popular. However, as Jan Will (right in the picture) from the Albertshofen-based horticultural compa…

US (CT): Sales data show $14M of adult-use sales, and $11M MMJ sales during August

The Department of Consumer Protection announced today that new preliminary data shows combined sales for adult-use cannabis and medical marijuana…

Shown on CGC:

New technologies to help Canadian growers deal with surge of price of inputs

"The consumer demand for year-round produce has fueled increase in winter production, and the projected growth rate for the next decade is 5% annually,…

Today on Social Media

Eric Weber

Healthy girls getting ready to flip. Apples n Bananas, Yoga Pants, & Jetfuel Runtz pictured here. Almost there.

Helping cannabis businesses navigate New York's licensing applications

Mr. Cannabis Law offers its services to individuals and businesses eagerly awaiting the upcoming round of cannabis business license applications in New…

© Toa555 | Dreamstime.com

US (MO): Company at center of recall used hemp in products

Richard Batenburg Jr. feels deceived and cheated. His cannabis brand, Colorado-based The Clear, has been partnering with a licensed Missouri…

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