Andrea Di Pastena Email
Arlette Sijmonsma Email
Annet Breure Email
Wim Roosen, Dutch Plantin
"We are investing to secure the coco supply"
MX: Mexico publishes MMJ regulation
BR: Clever Leaves signs multi-year partnership with a Brazilian cannabis company
Cannabis tissue culture: why?
US (MD): Grower to move to new Bethesda office to support continuing growth
US (CO): Grower receives patent for two hemp varieties
US (IA): State of Iowa selects software for managing registration and oversight of hemp crops
Hans van der Waal: "I am, and always will be, a CEO with a green thumb”
US: USDA approves hemp regulatory plans for Rhode Island and another Native American tribe
US (NY): New York Medical Cannabis Industry Association announces new executive board
CAN (AB): Micro grower filed to revoke cultivation license
US (AR): Pine Buff-based cannabis facility plans to bring in 200 jobs
Today on Social Media
Cannabar Ltd
US (MI): Investments could boost Michigan's hemp industry
US (MI): Cannabis business applicants not selected by Berkley file suit against city
US (OR): Licensing Commission provides update on process streamlining
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