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Enjoy your bi-weekly dose of all things medical – welcome to our English newsletter!
  MMR Vaccine: Measles, Mumps – And Autism?  
  Land of the free and home of the anti-vaxxers – one in four American adults believes in a link between the MMR vaccine, autism and a cover-up by the CDC. Is this due to a lack of information or general distrust? more  
Microbiome: What Can Stool Donation Do?
Fecal microbiome transplantation is already being used to treat Clostridium difficile infections. But does it also help with chronic inflammatory bowel disease? more
Social Media Detox: Bye Bye, Bad Body Image!
It’s known that a social media break has a huge impact on young women’s body image. But just how severe is this impact and is a week-long social media detox enough to reverse this? more
Healthcare: A Feast For Predators
Sexual assault, abuse and stalking are commonplace in healthcare. A thorough investigation sheds light on the sad reality of the British NHS. more

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