Medical News Today

Welcome to today's MNT newsletter, bringing you the most recent headlines and updated stories from our team of expert writers.

Alzheimer's / Dementia
Researchers identify neuron crucial for navigation
New research finds brain cells that are key for the brain's spatial orientation. The findings may have implications for treating Alzheimer's disease.

Lentigo maligna melanoma: Pictures, symptoms, and outlook
Lentigo maligna melanoma is a form of skin cancer that develops from a slow growing type of melanoma. Learn more about its symptoms, risk factors, and treatments.
What to know about intense pulsed light treatment
Intense pulsed light treatment is a cosmetic skin treatment that is similar to laser therapy. Learn more about its uses, safety, and efficacy here.

Ear, Nose, and Throat
How to tell the difference between tonsillitis and strep throat
Tonsillitis and strep throat share many symptoms and can sometimes occur due to the same bacteria. Learn about some of the differences here.

What are the differences between bronchiolitis and bronchitis?
There are some similarities between bronchiolitis and bronchitis. However, they are different conditions. In this article, learn about the differences.

Ulcerative Colitis
What to know about proctosigmoiditis
Proctosigmoiditis is a type of ulcerative colitis that is usually treatable with types of medications that include anti-inflammatory drugs. Read more here.